Causes of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

There isn’t a better tribute to the work and research that we do than having objective professionals ask us to lead their groups by gathering as well as presenting that information to them. Professionals being able to see temperature beyond their visible spectrum will allow them to optimize their education and experience. My own professional, technical background is extensive and all of it done in a calculator because that was all that was available.

Building my multi-disciplined education specifically to compliment an extensive thermography background was humbling and more importantly educational. Part of my theoretical education is electron flow as it relates to everything on the Periodic Table. Having the ability to see it and interpret it after 1000s of hours of research let me see what I had been missing in my own areas of expertise. Buildings have simple problems that can’t be seen by professionals or education. All the laws are in place, the calculators just can’t see it.

Buildings and development are the economy of the world. We use all the trees, non renewable resources and then at the end of it all buildings use more energy to heat and cool them. The equipment to chop down forests has to be produced. All of the cars have to be produced as well as all goods in the entire world. Keeping it simple, look around you and understand we burn gas, coal, wood, etc to produce electricity. Try to build a car without using electricity and you can see the importance of electrical demand to produce jobs. China or any country becoming more industrialized means producing more electricity and that means emissions from burning things.

Emissions are the smoke from burning wood, coal or the exhaust from your car. If you have ever smoked or have seen someone smoke, the trail of smoke at the end are the emissions from burning tobacco. People would smoke less if they understood they are sucking the emissions of tobacco straight into their lungs. If you sat in a garage with the car running, those emissions kill you. People in fires die from smoke inhalation.

The earth has geographically defined borders but we are all dependent on each other for the air we breathe. As countries develop there are more emissions and the atmosphere is filling with emissions that will kill us.

Hydro will claim that producing electricity with water doesn’t produce emissions. When they make a dam for electricity, they chop down every tree and flood a valley drowning everything that can’t escape it. Killing the creatures in our care isn’t definable as sustainable. I live in a valley and it would be crimes against humanity if someone flooded the valley. Humans call it economy when they are doing it. Geothermal is great if installed properly, otherwise it gives the illusion of savings when it is just cheaper energy, the building envelope determines the energy consumption.

These emissions are toxic and contain mercury as well as other chemicals. Humans need to develop economies without toxins or extinction of species is the reality and we are one.

Energy providers have said they won’t meet Kyoto objectives and they aren’t the problem. Consumers of energy are where changes need to be made to reduce emissions.

Our waste water treatment isn’t catching these chemical toxins and we are drinking and eating them. The Body Burden Study reported 100% toxicity in umbilical cord blood. All of the chemicals go downstream where they feed the oceans and circulate the globe.

Canada, the U.S. and UN are missing critical data on climate change.