Smart Meters Are Illegal

June 13th, 2011

Minister of Energy & Mines & Minister Responsible For Housing
BC Provincial Government
Victoria, BC

Fax: 250-356-2965

Att: Rich Coleman

Re: Critically Important Information on Smart Meters

Good Afternoon Mr. Coleman,

I want to start out by thanking you for your years of service to British Columbia. We met briefly in 2003 during the interface fires with Kelowna. We were employing advanced infrared imaging of the forest fire interfacing with Kelowna on Gyro Beach when Premier Campbell was meeting CTV for a press conference. Yourself and others came over to see the interface fire through the smoke.

Safety Code 6 is Health Canada’s code on public safety regarding radio frequency EMF interaction with humans. There was an error or omission in Safety Code 6 reported to Health Canada September, 2010 and again through Canadian Parliament’s Standing Committee by expert witness in October, 2010. The recommendations of the committeein December, 2010 included Health Canada thoroughly investigate the error or omission in Safety Code 6.

The reported error or omission in Safety Code 6 substantiated causation or the mechanism linking frequencies to adverse health effects. Safety Code 6 says the predominant health effect to be avoided is the unintentional stimulation of tissue or a heat effect. Experimental studies show it can lead to nerve and muscle depolarization.

The electromagnetic induction of people or ecosystems is to be avoided because electromagnetic induction is the same way we create electricity except in this case human biology or ecosystems already have their own electrical properties. Inducing currents into an existing electrical system can create a host of electrical problems. This isn’t inclusive of the EMFs interacting with pollinators or wildlife which will impact food sources.

The error or omission substantiates Smart Meters are illegal and it requires investigation as to why Health Canada is reporting frequencies are safe but excluding the reported error or the recommendations of the committee. Meters can be wired, there isn’t a wireless alternative because it interferes with all the other wireless devices that don’t run at those frequencies.

Thanks for your continued work on public safety and representing British Columbia. Contact the writer if you have questions but your own energy professionals can qualify induction happens.
