United States Geological Survey, Hawaii & Applicable Sciences Missing Critical Temperature Data on Volcano Activity

Our jobs as consulting professionals and government’s recognized expert is to report to and through different levels of government or authorities having jurisdiction. In 2003 after a lightning strike started a forest fire in Peachland BC. Immediately media with forestry was reporting smoke and terrain causing problems fighting the fire.

Our team was working in the Okanagan on global warming causing climate change and offered  BC Forestry unobstructed sight through the smoke. The direction of the forest fire could be tracked through smoke giving sight to command structure. Turned aside, we mapped the fire through the smoke and a week later the forest fire interfaced with Kelowna BC. There were jurisdictional challenges as the BC Government declared a state of emergency. On August 21, here is one of the images taken of Kettle Valley that initiated one of the largest evacuations in Canadian history.

This was edited from the public fire inquiry in B.C. Even though Kelowna City Council members were in attendance when I presented for the inquiry, Premier Gordon Campbell’s office specifically edited this and my presentation from the inquiry.

The domino effect of what happened denied the US advanced science, denied California, Fort Mac and others sight through smoke costing billions, lives and environmental devastation.

When you hear people refer to thermal or non thermal effects not being understood, it is because the world’s academia is literally blind to temperature. In reality, there are no such things as non thermal, it is all thermal and can be seen. Our job over 39 years includes specializing in temperature applications to give sight of objectives to applicable professionals. This level of imaging is not to be confused with those generic imaging applications. IR equipment manufacturers and industry imaged 100s of millions of people at ports of entry for a flu symptom associated with SARS, H1N1, Ebola and Zika virus but couldn’t produce 1 image of a flu symptom. The imaging application exceeded their expertise and I met with Health Canada to show them what a flu looked like. Health Canada had IR equipment at 2 airports for a year and it was a failure because equipment manufacturers didn’t know what they were doing.

Groundwater is considered nature’s hidden treasure and now can be seen. After challenges by forest industries, hydrologists and others on accuracy of temperature from the air, governments used our work as their standard in RFP. Place mouse over image below to freeze image, move off images to cycle through.

  • Groundwater Is Nature's Hidden Treasure, Can you See It?
  • Can you See Groundwater Now
  • Can you See Groundwater in the Channel?
  • Can you See Groundwater Now?
  • Can you See Groundwater by the Arrow?
  • Can you see Groundwater Now?

Once heat is generated, heat transfers depending on material. Wood as one example isn’t thought to transfer heat very well. Here are 2 time-lapsed infrared videos. The first video shows how fast solar radiation(EMFs) interact with absorbent exterior finishes of buildings. Building Codes warn of solar EMF significance, we couldn’t see it. The second video is a 14 hour time-lapsed infrared video from inside a building. The objective was to see if any heat generated on the exterior by solar EMFs would impact the inside of the building.

The building is super heating the atmosphere contributing to weather severity and climate change with zero emissions produced.

This post isn’t one percent of the information available to Hawaii. Thermal gradients under the ground giving accurate temperatures can be seen immediately. Although the ash is a particulate, so is smoke from forest fires so sight through ash will vary. Our objectives are always to provide sight to applicable professionals so they can do their jobs.

There is a reported underground fire in Eastern U.S. where there is nuclear waste. EPA blind when they could see the underground fire to address it. The imaging application exceeds their expertise.

Concussions and brain injury are costing billions as well as lives. Typically the brain injury wasn’t seen until autopsy. With injury or infection there is an an inflammatory response that can now be seen and is taught in accredited medical education programs put on by the Integrative Health Forum and Associates. It took over 13 years of substantial performance to earn the title of Chief, International Science Advisory Board(14,000) members. This group puts on Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs applicable to millions of health professionals in North America required for ongoing medical licensing. My background includes the structure of all matter, atoms and molecules, electrons, magnetic fields, EMFs and being able to see it. That pertains to all sciences but under no circumstances do professionals speak over their areas of expertise. Here is very  very basic images including cancers, wireless radiation damage, difficult diagnosis and before and after a flu. It also shows breast imaging by a 50 clinic group that missed the subject’s breast cancer.

Any resources supplied by the U.S. including military will not be able to assist as this post has outlined. Once resources have sight of their objectives, they can manage resources more effectively.

Bringing the Invisible to Light Since 1979, pioneering and expanding on imaging applications used today.