Wi-Fi Health Risk Advisory

Here is a picture of unknown origin showing a classroom with 20 students, 3 teachers and 20 computers. You can see the computers aren’t using wires to log on to the internet. Wi-Fi routers blanket classrooms with the required RF EMFs to communicate with all of the computers. Here is your wireless quiz?

20110407-Internet Picture unknown origin

What is the total number wireless devices in the room interacting with Wi-Fi frequency?

A) 20

B) 23

C) 43

You would be surprised how many professionals got this question wrong. Here is a link to show you what was missed in the Wi-Fi discussion and there are 2 reports on the safety of Wi-Fi that also missed the question above. One from BC CDC and the other from Ontario checking Simcoe County Schools.

Here is the Health Advisory showing wireless versus wired computer stations put the children as well as teachers inside an electrical circuit where they are electrocuted slowly.

The Specific Absorption Rate adopted for testing the limits of human exposure is a plastic model with liquid in it and never has adverse health effects. There is nothing biological about the test, it is baseless science based on whether water molecules heat. The report  was done by Tony Muc, Chief Physicist and an author of Safety Code 6. Tony makes a ridiculous analogy referring to a stove element. Is the child getting close enough to the laptop to be burned?? As a physicist, he is not qualified in an electrical opinion and he admitted he consulted with no electrical professionals in his reporting.

If the Wi-Fi frequencies are 2.4 GHz, that is 2.4 billion cycles per second. It means the EMFs are expanding and collapsing inside the children, teachers, building materials including fire separations 4.8 billion times per second. Currents are being induced and the high speed polarization billions of times per second at atomic or molecular levels will rip anything apart. The higher the power density, the bigger the electrical load absorbed and the expansion and collapsing of the EMFs will be more powerful.

It requires investigation and explanation how children can be electrocuted slowly by being in an electrical circuit while they are graded on their intelligence. There are real reasons the world is wired and it is to keep everything out of the circuit.

Every computer station needs to be hard wired, it is the missed economy. Wireless gives the illusion of savings, the offset costs and liabilities will be off the charts.