BC Hydro Sues Vancouver Landlord over Refusing Smart Meters

Here is a link to the CBC article on BC Hydro filing a Civil Suit against a landlord refusing the installation of smart meters. Directly below is our response congratulating the landlord for doing their job and protecting the buildings as well as occupants.

Congratulations to the Vancouver Landlord for protecting the buildings, the tenants and stopping BC Hydro from doing work they are not qualified to touch. BC Hydro can read their meter, the meter bases belong to the building owner and require the building’s electricians to be involved if the smart meters were legal in the first place.

There are ZERO circumstances where electricians would allow those meters to be pulled under load. It causes arcing and power surges. Any electricians that would are working over their area of expertise. BC Hydro mass installing meters with contractors not qualified to touch electrical has created unrealized fire hazards. Further to that the electrical connections inside the meter base require maintenance as the connections can be loose and corroded. It is a reality that some meter bases would have to be changed to maintain the required integrity of electrical systems.

BC Hydro’s meters have RF Antennas inside them as well. Those RF EMFs require the smart grid to complete the wireless circuit and the Specific Absorption Rate(SAR) test used for the limits of human exposure did not account for the blanket radiation of the smart grid, WiFi Routers or cell phone antennas. The SAR test ONLY considered the end use device on the wireless circuit.

If BC Hydro’s RF Antenna’s network antenna is 900 MHz, that means the highly penetrating EMFs will induce currents into walls, fire separations and occupants. Those EMFs will expand and collapse or oscillate 1.8 Billion times per measurable second inside wall systems as well as the occupants. That equates to atomic or molecular earthquakes inside building structures as well as infrastructure hit by EMFs. That will put the building in non compliance with BC Building Code Rule endangering occupants, Fire Fighters, buildings and investment. How is BC Hydro using a human exposure code to supercede BC Building Code and the municipal jurisdiction when it isn’t applicable?

The induced currents into people is changing their cellular voltages where Biologists said a change in cellular voltage of .2 microvolts(millionths of 1 volt) changes white blood cells. .4 microvolts changes mood. The peer reviewed science supporting that is Ohm’s Law where Volts=Amps(current) times Resistance. BC Hydro generates and distributes electricity so their electricians can verify Ohm’s Law.

The FortisBC application for smart meters verified that BC Hydro bypassed all regulatory process to install the meters where FortisBC wasn’t exempt. It is FortisBC’s “experts” that admitted under cross examination that EMFs triggered nerves. Dr. Bailey of Exponent Inc also confirmed under direct cross examination by me that the nervous, hormonal and immune systems are affected at the same time.

FortisBC’s experts were technically disqualified admitting critical science was missing in their Risk Assessment Report. That information is also missing from BC Hydro’s reporting of safety. Health Canada’s exposure code Safety Code 6 admits the causal link is missing linking the RF EMFs to adverse health effects. That causal link was found and reported to Health Canada September 14, 2010, Canadian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Health at their request October, 2010 and lectured in accredited medical education January, 2011. Here are the transcripts of the BC Government with experts under oath in the FortisBC application. There are page numbers and line references where FortisBC expert Electrical Engineer Yakov Shkolnikov admits the oscillations reported amd Dr. Bailey confirmed all Bio-electrical information was not in their reporting. BC Hydro is using the SAR test for safety when it is a plastic head with water in it and has no health.

The dangers of the RF EMFs being lectured for Continuing Medical Education credits required for ongoing medical licensing is a game changer for Provincial Health Officer Perry Kendall. It means this is approved medical education and not just an opinion. Mr Kendall needs to immediately call for a cease and desist on Provincial Smart Meter Programs because of the electromagnetic radiation.

The Attorney General of BC needs to investigate, arrest and prosecute all of those participating in this assault. People aren’t just sensitive to the RF EMFs, the name of the SAR test itself is an admission people are being electromagnetically induced which means subtle electrocution. Here is the link to transcripts and infrared imaging showing connection failure as well as EMFs interacting in an industrial application. Pacemaker recipients are told to stay out of an EMF by Pacemaker Manufacturers, BC Hydro and FortisBC as well as other utilities are taking the EMFs to the patient where it undermines the Provincial Health Authority.

BC Premier Gordon Campbell was advised that BC Buildings were grossly exceeding BC Building Code’s Climatic Data 1.1.3. because of solar EMFs interacting with absorbent building exteriors and billions of watts per hour is wasted responding to the symptoms. Smart meters will not save energy but the smart grid itself will cause excitation of atmospheric molecules generating heat changing weather as well as contributing to Forest Fire intensity.
