Global Warming Movie “An Inconvenient Truth” by Al Gore

The movie is opening May 24th and you can go to to see the trailer as well as there is other information on the website.

I applaud this initiative because any reduction in pollution is better for the atmosphere and planet that sustains all life. You would never put your loved ones in the garage with the cars running, the earths atmosphere is just a bigger garage and it is disgusting to see the vehicles with one person in them clogging highways. It is further disgusting that to answer the traffic problems and emissions, we build more highways. Autoimmune diseases are MS, Fibromyalgia, etc and it means the body is attacking itself because of foreign invaders (chemicals). Our unborn are truly compromised with hundreds of chemicals in them and they will not have a quality or quantity of life. Go to and link to the Body Burden – Pollution in Newborns. Download the 80+ page study and it will shock you that a fetus has these chemicals in them.

As much as I applaud the movie on global warming, they are missing critical information related to cause and therefore objectives. The world thinks greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are the cause of the problem as does this movie. Go to and look at building performance (the church or the hot home images) … they are going to install cheaper forms of energy to combat global warming. If the exterior of the buildings are just short of boiling temperature (212 °F) all day and they put in cheaper energy to treat the symptom of the heat, are we fixing global warming?

This has  I am seeing this more and more in sustainable workshops. The buildings are  super heating the atmosphere and warming the globe. Once atmospheric heat is generated, it can not be destroyed.

When you are on the page, look at the function of the trees, they are atmospheric temperature while the development is a massive heat gain.

Deal with the heat, emissions will be reduced, it’s that simple. My opinion is not one of arrogance, our work involves seeing temperature, the movie will not include any sight of temperature, it will speak of the symptoms.

Do listen to the results of global warming – EXTINCTION of species and you are one.