Tag Archives: smart grid

Canadian Premiers Endorse Climate Change Plan

Here is a link to a news article from the Globe and Mail on Premiers Endorsing their climate change plan. Following the link is our response as government trained and certified energy professionals.

Globe and Mail Article

The fact Premiers are endorsing climate change plans of any kind is scientifically alarming. I say that as a government energy electrical professional with nationally recognized credentials plus a building engineering background specific to energy use.

We are the science behind policy and policy is based on science, not the other way around. These premiers and the federal government are reacting to symptoms across the board. Their climate change plan is not addressing climate change or saving energy. As a matter of fact, Canadian buildings are grossly exceeding regional climatic data in building codes. Building energy use, saving natural resources and emissions reduction require buildings comply with climatic data. New building development across the board should not be passed as code compliant.

It is critically important people understand buildings are signed off as compliant with code, temperatures they are designed for couldn’t be seen.

Our jobs as government certified professionals is to report to and through our authority having jurisdiction. We do NOT EVER blind side them. It is our job and the governments at all levels are to listen, not dismiss as was done by our authority. What politicians did by being political on the energy issue is to undermine the entire country as well as UN members.

Ontario’s premier is going to buy electricity from Quebec when shading Ontario buildings or using low e exterior finishes would knock the energy waste off the grid IMMEDIATELY.

The supposed smart grid with wireless smart meters is supposed to save energy but they will save none. On top of that they mass installed meters across the country using people not qualified to TOUCH live electrical. Saskatchewan has to replace and re-inspect over 105,000 meters. BC Hydro has to re-inspect and replace 1.7 million meters. Other provinces and states that mass installed with contractors require the same without exception. 

FortisBC admitted under cross examination that they will electromagnetically radiate everyone in Kelowna and the other major cities in their 17,000 sq. km coverage area. Mark Warren admitted they consulted and informed no one. 

FortisBC, BC Hydro and governments are relying on the Specific Absorption Rate for the test showing the EMFs cause no harm except the SAR isn’t applicable to any aspect of building codes. The SAR is an absorption code for human exposure except they used plastic heads with water in them. It is ridiculous science that left out the grid, antennas, routers, frequency interactions, and 100% of bio-electrical information. People with plastic heads never get health problems, they don’t have any health.

Here is evidence provided to the BC Utilities Commission on the FortisBC application showing what energy use looks like as well as the fact they won’t save a watt of energy. They are billing you 40% more for the wasted energy. The thermal imaging will also show the super heating of the atmosphere while massive electrical waste with air conditioning happens. A/C is really refrigeration, the building has become a source of heat. http://www.bcuc.com/Documents/Proceedings/2012/DOC_32604_C19-6_WKCC-Submission-RDCK-Nelson-Creston_Suspension.pdf

Here is a link showing the same information was passed on to municipal, provincial and federal governments. We were dismissed without qualification and Canada did not take any of the info to UN climate change meetings. http://thermoguy.com/wp-content/uploads/Ron_Cannan_20101.pdf

The UN is worried about a few degree rise in atmospheric temperature and building development because of absorbency of exterior finishes are generating heat close to boiling temperature. Buildings imaged in 7 provinces and 26 states verified solar EMFs that burn skin are “burning” buildings by generating extreme heat.

Governments, municipalities, insurers and lenders expect building code compliance or your building will NOT be financed, insured or occupied. There will be no real estate market, no building inspection and the reason we warn politicians. Unfortunately they don’t understand they have undermined their own regulation.

Smart Meters Not Saving Energy, Reducing Emissions or Addressing Energy Waste

When it comes to energy consumption, you basically pay for what you use. When you have something plugged in, lights on, devices being used, heaters and heating.

Utilities supply the needs of their consumers and saving energy is important. Less waste of natural resources, less emissions. Smart Meters and wireless devices inside the building will monitor how much energy is consumed.

As Thermal Radiation Consultants, we document and image energy(all matter) above absolute zero(-273 deg. C & -460 deg. F). Here is an accurate example of energy use.

The building you will see here is tilt up construction of a major construction retailer. Heaters are on the roof, heat rises and thermostats are 5 feet off the floor. It is winter time and you should expect a uniformly insulated building, any differences require investigation. Hotter temperatures are bright in color.

The vertical bright areas are the weak insulation values between tilt up panels and heat loss costing money.

The bright dots around the edge of the roof are the ends of the roof truss transferring heat from inside the building. Heaters are on the roof and trying to heat the building from the top down. Heat rises and these energy systems for these buildings should be in the floor.

Ceiling fans can move heat around but the energy waste is real. Smart Meters aren’t going to catch and address the problem. People get billed extra 40% for the 2nd tier usage.

This building isn’t compliant with building codes but the style of building is popular and cheap when it doesn’t have to be. Heating in the floors, insulated and you have a winner.

Here is another building down the road from the construction retailer, same construction, heaters on the roof and they only insulated the showroom for appliance sales. That is the darker area in the thermal image.

Then a second tilt up building is put up beside the uninsulated building. Here is what they look like separate and side by side. These are FortisBC customers and smart meters are not addressing the energy waste but billing for the waste.

  • Tilt Up Construction, Heaters on Roof, Appliance Sales. Can you See Energy Use?
  • Tilt Up Construction, Heaters on Roof, Dark Area is Insulated. Smart Meters Not Addressing Energy Waste.
  • Can you see the heat loss and energy waste from the 2 buildings?
  • One building insulated the other isn't

Heaters on the roof, walls aren’t insulated except the showroom. The spot temperature on the dark area(insulated) is the temperature outside at that time. Notice the wall temperatures? What is the energy waste heating that mass of concrete, wasted resources, electricity. This building should have failed inspection, insurers are expecting duty cycles of equipment. Not this waste.

These buildings are in FortisBC area and their 2 tiered billing system is billing owners when the building should have failed inspections. Smart Meters will catch none of this energy waste, FortisBC is billing for it.

Wireless smart meters do not belong on buildings and should not be installed. The utility doesn’t have the authority or jurisdiction to bypass the municipalities. The can’t use smart meter frequencies on buildings or infrastructure. Buildings aren’t designed for it and would violate building codes as is. Blasting frequencies through walls induces currents and causes high speed vibrations billions of times per second. That equates into atomic and molecular earthquakes that will accelerate corrosion as well as compromise fire separations.