All posts by Thermoguy

RF EMF Exposure Contributing to Violence & School Shootings

When you are on your cell phone or other portable wireless device, you are effectively carrying an invisible wire with you for connection to the wireless electrical circuit. The problem is you are inside the wireless electrical circuit and inside an EMF that is extremely dangerous. The missed economy is wiring the world with important technology upgrades.

Wi-Fi in schools is using a router to radiate the classrooms for ease of communication with portable devices. That puts the students, teachers, support staff, buildings and infrastructure inside a man-made microwave oven.

There are real reasons we wire the world. Everything in existence is atoms and molecules with electrons. Magnetic fields and EMFs can have a profound impact on atoms or molecules they interact with. In order for EMFs to hurt people, there has to be exposure. That was confirmed in cross-examination of Exponent Incs Dr. William Bailey in the FortisBC application to the BC Utilities Commission for wireless smart meters. Exponent Inc was hired to do a risk assessment report for FortisBC’s, Bailey and Electrical Engineer Yakov Shkolnikov were at the BCUC hearings providing expert witness. Shkolnikov confirmed under cross examination that mixing frequencies changes frequencies. EMF exposure changes frequencies in the brain and body.

The causal evidence and biological plausibility linking RF EMFs to adverse health was admitted to be missing in exposure codes and not qualified for decades. FortisBC experts confirmed causation and biological plausibility was missing in their risk assessment report.

Causation is how are people hit by the EMFs and biological plausibility was missing because the SAR test model doesn’t have any biology. As soon as you incorporate bio electrical information associated with humans, you have plausibility. Here is a test model used for the limits of human exposure.  The missing science was reported and qualified for lecture for Continuing Medical Education credits required for ongoing medical licensing January 7 & 8, 2011

Sam Phantom Model
Specific Absorption Rate Test with Temperature Probe in Liquid.

The analogy used for cell phones, Wi-Fi and Smart Meters is that a short distance keeps you safe. The antennas were not technically incorporated.

Retired military Jerry Flynn got FortisBC to admit in his cross-examination that the network antenna for the smart meter reached 2-3 kms(1.8 miles). FortisBC’s Mark Warren admitted under cross-examination by Professor Curtis Bennett that FortisBC will cover 17,000 sq. km with RF EMFs for smart meters.

December 14, 2012 the Sandy Hooke School shooting happened where a young man with autism shot those children with an assault rifle. Professor Goldberg was asked “what makes an autistic boy shoot 6 year olds in the face with an assault rifle?” Here is their response.

“Neuropeptides are the chemical equivalent of a biological 
communication system linking the nervous, hormonal and immune 
systems. When one of these systems is either strengthened or 
depressed the others will be affected profoundly. The nervous system is 
like an on off switch in that it runs on that positive / negative 
relationship of polarization and depolarization you have eloquently 
referred to numerous times. 

Once the depolarization process begins it not only impacts the nervous system communication but impacts the delicate hormonal and immune systems functioning as well. There are coherent frequencies and incoherent frequencies. The former has innate “orderliness” while the latter demonstrates a disorderly state. That’s why we refer to someone as “incoherent” as being in a disordered state of consciousness. 

When a coherent bio-electric pattern becomes disrupted by frequencies that are nothing short of an electrical storm and assaulting the natural rhythms of the body, one’s mental faculties become severely compromised. Unfortunately we are just seeing the beginning of an epidemic of highly dysfunctional and psychopathic behaviors.”

There have been hundreds of shootings and 22 school shootings so far in 2018 while governments and industries continue to bathe the planet in microwave frequencies for ease of communication using flat earth science of the plastic head.

Updated April 17, 2022
Easter Sunday

The original post above is dated May 22, 2018 and related to wireless EMFs contributing to violence and school shootings. Violence has escalated and the pandemic is caused by blanket electromagnetic induction by wireless electromagnetic fields(EMF)

Directly below is a picture of the entire science used for the safety of wireless. Cell phone manufacturers must submit their phones for testing as you see below. The Specific Absorption Rate Test(SAR) below is done is a radio frequency sterile environment. It does not show the network required for the phone to work.


Sam Phantom Model Specific Absorption Rate Test with Temperature Probe in Liquid.

United States Geological Survey, Hawaii & Applicable Sciences Missing Critical Temperature Data on Volcano Activity

Our jobs as consulting professionals and government’s recognized expert is to report to and through different levels of government or authorities having jurisdiction. In 2003 after a lightning strike started a forest fire in Peachland BC. Immediately media with forestry was reporting smoke and terrain causing problems fighting the fire.

Our team was working in the Okanagan on global warming causing climate change and offered  BC Forestry unobstructed sight through the smoke. The direction of the forest fire could be tracked through smoke giving sight to command structure. Turned aside, we mapped the fire through the smoke and a week later the forest fire interfaced with Kelowna BC. There were jurisdictional challenges as the BC Government declared a state of emergency. On August 21, here is one of the images taken of Kettle Valley that initiated one of the largest evacuations in Canadian history.

This was edited from the public fire inquiry in B.C. Even though Kelowna City Council members were in attendance when I presented for the inquiry, Premier Gordon Campbell’s office specifically edited this and my presentation from the inquiry.

The domino effect of what happened denied the US advanced science, denied California, Fort Mac and others sight through smoke costing billions, lives and environmental devastation.

When you hear people refer to thermal or non thermal effects not being understood, it is because the world’s academia is literally blind to temperature. In reality, there are no such things as non thermal, it is all thermal and can be seen. Our job over 39 years includes specializing in temperature applications to give sight of objectives to applicable professionals. This level of imaging is not to be confused with those generic imaging applications. IR equipment manufacturers and industry imaged 100s of millions of people at ports of entry for a flu symptom associated with SARS, H1N1, Ebola and Zika virus but couldn’t produce 1 image of a flu symptom. The imaging application exceeded their expertise and I met with Health Canada to show them what a flu looked like. Health Canada had IR equipment at 2 airports for a year and it was a failure because equipment manufacturers didn’t know what they were doing.

Groundwater is considered nature’s hidden treasure and now can be seen. After challenges by forest industries, hydrologists and others on accuracy of temperature from the air, governments used our work as their standard in RFP. Place mouse over image below to freeze image, move off images to cycle through.

  • Groundwater Is Nature's Hidden Treasure, Can you See It?
  • Can you See Groundwater Now
  • Can you See Groundwater in the Channel?
  • Can you See Groundwater Now?
  • Can you See Groundwater by the Arrow?
  • Can you see Groundwater Now?

Once heat is generated, heat transfers depending on material. Wood as one example isn’t thought to transfer heat very well. Here are 2 time-lapsed infrared videos. The first video shows how fast solar radiation(EMFs) interact with absorbent exterior finishes of buildings. Building Codes warn of solar EMF significance, we couldn’t see it. The second video is a 14 hour time-lapsed infrared video from inside a building. The objective was to see if any heat generated on the exterior by solar EMFs would impact the inside of the building.

The building is super heating the atmosphere contributing to weather severity and climate change with zero emissions produced.

This post isn’t one percent of the information available to Hawaii. Thermal gradients under the ground giving accurate temperatures can be seen immediately. Although the ash is a particulate, so is smoke from forest fires so sight through ash will vary. Our objectives are always to provide sight to applicable professionals so they can do their jobs.

There is a reported underground fire in Eastern U.S. where there is nuclear waste. EPA blind when they could see the underground fire to address it. The imaging application exceeds their expertise.

Concussions and brain injury are costing billions as well as lives. Typically the brain injury wasn’t seen until autopsy. With injury or infection there is an an inflammatory response that can now be seen and is taught in accredited medical education programs put on by the Integrative Health Forum and Associates. It took over 13 years of substantial performance to earn the title of Chief, International Science Advisory Board(14,000) members. This group puts on Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs applicable to millions of health professionals in North America required for ongoing medical licensing. My background includes the structure of all matter, atoms and molecules, electrons, magnetic fields, EMFs and being able to see it. That pertains to all sciences but under no circumstances do professionals speak over their areas of expertise. Here is very  very basic images including cancers, wireless radiation damage, difficult diagnosis and before and after a flu. It also shows breast imaging by a 50 clinic group that missed the subject’s breast cancer.

Any resources supplied by the U.S. including military will not be able to assist as this post has outlined. Once resources have sight of their objectives, they can manage resources more effectively.

Bringing the Invisible to Light Since 1979, pioneering and expanding on imaging applications used today.

Missing Mechanisms of Interaction, Mechanisms of Action, Causation & Biological Plausibility Linking EMFs To Adverse Health Effects, Building & Infrastructure Damage, Crop Failures, Economic Failure, Climate Change, National Security Emergency For EVERY Country

This is a post for people, professionals, elected officials, industries, insurers, lawyers, academia, medicine, unions, all sciences, construction, religion and literally everyone on the planet. This isn’t a debate and any group or professionals wanting to dispute this has to prove electricity does not exist. On top of that they need to defend a plastic body part with liquid in it used for the limits of human exposure as science when it should be an aquarium.

Health Canada, FCC and IEEE all use the same garbage “science” standards making this applicable globally. Governments, utilities and industries were warned about moving forward with a very dangerous technology as applied when exposure codes admitted critical science was missing.

This post will not link any health studies or reporting on health effects because it is specifically the causal evidence and mechanisms linking EMFs to adverse health effects that had been missing for decades.

All applicable professionals including academia have to expand on this in their capacity and failure to do so will bring unrealized consequences with liability. Global exposure codes state that despite the 1000s of articles on health effects, causation and biological plausibility was not understood .

Professor John Orr of West Polytech in Worcester was interviewed on RF EMFs but would not take questions from outside callers. The radio host asked Orr if microwaves were dangerous? His reply was yes “if you were inside the microwave oven or the microwave was leaking.(meaning exposure to microwave EMFs). Orr didn’t understand Worcester and beyond were inside the microwave oven.

The RF EMFs used by your microwave for heating food or drink are the same RF EMFs used for wireless communication. The bottom line is you are in the microwave oven and in the wireless electrical circuit. The bigger plan is for the entire planet to be in a man made microwave oven for ease of communication with wireless devices. The qualified problem is there is nothing on the planet electrically compatible with these RF EMFs except the end use device. When you think of electrical compatibility, keep it simple in that your car battery can not be put in your flashlight.

Google and Uber for one example are competing for driverless cars. Big rigs will be wireless in time and the point is there will be no consumers, profit with these companies killing their own. The EMF coverage will kill all humans and biology without exception.

Google as another example has created a man-made microwave oven from 59,500 feet(11.3 miles) so Puerto Rico can have Wi-Fi and email. Imagine a microwave oven 11.3 miles in height. Meteorologists have not been informed of this catastrophic heating of the atmosphere the entire planet shares. The high speed oscillations of the man-made microwave oven will heat the atmosphere over the EMF coverage area. That heats the atmosphere causing climate change and contributing to  hurricanes that devastated Puerto Rico. Separate from that, the population of Puerto Rico is inside a man-made microwave oven so they can get emails. The health effects include the nervous, hormonal and immune systems being compromised. Are those compromising health effects contributing to flu severity and lives lost?

The unprecedented global emergency is because the Specific Absorption Rate(SAR) and the test using the plastic head with liquid has been used to supersede all jurisdictions, all laws, all sciences when it isn’t applicable or science. The SAR name itself is an admission of exposure and harm.

When asked if this would be like tobacco and illegal in time, imagine a baby smoking from conception. The Government of Canada revised Safety Code 6 and in that revision have determined pregnant women and children are ok with 24/7 electromagnetic radiation exposure. That isn’t definable as sustainable in the Auditor General Act.

People are NOT electrohypersensitive(EHS) when hit by these EMFs, missing science created that diagnosis. Here is a quote from page 7 of Safety Code 6(2009).
“The specific biological responses to RF energy are generally related to the rate of energy absorbed. The rate and distribution of RF energy absorption depends strongly on the frequency, intensity and orientation of the incident fields as well as the body size and its constitutive properties (dielectric constant and conductivity)”

Causation and biological plausibility linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects was found, reported and qualified for lecture for Continuing Medical Education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. That CME program was applicable to health professionals in North America but should be applicable to the world now. There is no higher educational standard and global medical professionals have been undermined. Jurisdictions and academia across the globe should be contacting the admin at the Integrative Health Forum(IHF Global) and associates to facilitate accredited medical education programs. It is the most advanced medical education program in the world and there are no sales or conflicts of interest. The health education admin is open to the idea of having different professions or public attend the amazing 2 day program BUT they have stated this forum is medical education now and not a debate.

The last 4 weeks have been a brain drain putting together documents that will be applicable to every person, industry, academia and jurisdictions globally. Courts will have the causal evidence needed and the FCC, Health Canada as well as IEEE will have to defend the plastic head and potatoes representing biology. The document for government jurisdictions will be sent to them on February 13, 2018 and made available to the public on February 14, 2018. For those that think this isn’t a big deal, what do you think President Trump will do when he hears his own investments have been undermined by a plastic head or potato as science?

Here is a picture of the test used for limits of human exposure and what the FCC and others will have to defend. Boeing Engineers used potatoes for Wi-Fi safety on aircraft.

Sam Phantom Model
Specific Absorption Rate Test with Temperature Probe in Liquid.

The document that will be released will provide lawyers and courts the background they need to do their job without people spending 100s of 1000s of dollars while lawyers learn about electricity. Ken Mack and his wife had several people die on their properties because of the EMFs. They spent over $200,000 dollars but couldn’t proceed because their legal team required the causal evidence. That causal evidence is in the document.

I can not apologize enough for what has happened to people in the microwave oven, it never should have happened. These EMFs will not discriminate who they kill and there will be no elite that have a place to hide.

In 39 years of doing work that included taking on technical problems the whole world missed, I never thought our team would be doing documents electrically qualifying end of life.

Wireless communication is electromagnetic radiation inducing electrical currents and that changes all sciences globally.


People Are NOT Sensitive to Their Electromagnetic Radiation From Wireless, Including US & Canadian Embassy Staff in Cuba

It is important for people to understand insurers will not pay out on property or bodily injury related to EMF exposure. Insurers would NEVER accept liability and trillions of dollars in liability when exposure codes used globally admit the causal evidence is missing linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects.

People proclaiming they are sensitive to EMFs limit actions they have against their utility and others. EHS was used because mechanisms linking EMFs to adverse health effects were not understood. Those mechanisms had to be technically qualified by electrical professionals. EMFs are an electrical interaction first and not just an opinion for debate.

The scientific reality is that governments, utilities, IEEE, FCC, Health Canada, manufacturers, etc NEVER should have moved forward with critical science missing. Once the science is found, there can be liability depending on what is found.

Those missing mechanisms, causation and biological plausibility has been found, reported through  jurisdictions and lectured for Continuing Medical Education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. That means this isn’t a debate, it is medical education applicable to health professional in North America and will be global.
Concussions and brain injury can be seen using non invasive radiology. It is lectured for education credits, here are very basic but accurate images for different diagnosis.

Exposure codes admit electrical currents are induced into you and current kills. That means you are not sensitive, you are being electrocuted slowly or in a microwave oven on low. There is no acceptable current to be induced into people, it can kill you.

In Cuba, US and Canadian Embassy staff were injured with a mysterious weapon thought to be sonic. FBI and Intelligence Agencies are stumped because some people in the same room were not hurt or heard nothing. The mysterious weapon is Wi-Fi or wireless EMFs.

Here is a quote from exposure codes used globally explaining why:

“The rate and distribution of RF energy absorption depends strongly on the frequency, intensity and orientation of the incident fields as well as the body size and its constitutive properties (dielectric constant and

Just the orientation to the EMF can make the difference between an electrician living or dying.

US diagnosed the people hurt in Cuba and they had permanent nerve damage, permanent hearing loss, brain trauma, etc where it was reported there was damage to the white matter tracts in the brain. Those tracts are like an information hwy between brain cells letting different parts of the brain communicate.

The domino effect is the nervous, hormonal and immune systems are compromised, cellular voltage changes with frequency changes throughout the body. People are dying, babies are mutated and you need to represent this hell on earth where the damage is measurable by the second.

Facebook Post On The Future of Wireless & People Globally Should Be Very Afraid As It Will Kill All Life Including Crops, Forests

There are no phantom vibrations, these RF EMFs are oscillating in your body, buildings, infrastructure, nuclear power plants, oil fields, gas plants, explosives, water dams, etc at twice the speed of the frequency.

That means 900 MHz of the cell phone, smart meter will vibrate you at the molecular level 1.8 billion times per measurable second.

There is no margin of error and there are real reasons we hard wire the world. We know smoking kills and people have to show ID to buy their cancer sticks. The only reason that is legal is the powers that be like those huge taxes on tobacco.

Cell phones are a Group 1 Carcinogen and cause cancer as well as unrealized hell on the way to your dying. There is no margin of error except in this case the babies or fetus gets their cell phone radiation from conception. Children in preschools, Kindergartens, elementary, etc are getting their radiation 24/7.

Every cell in your body is electrical, everything in existence is atoms and molecules which means electrical. The only thing that will not survive this is any biology including food sources. This wireless undermines 100% of codes and standards, changes 100% of all sciences (academia) so universities, colleges, etc will have to close. Degrees mean nothing, 100% misdiagnosis, triggering pacemakers, heart attacks and killing everything in the man made microwave.

There will be no insurance and no jobs so no health care, pay as you go if you can find someone to do surgeries. Gas plants, refineries and fuel for running the world will blow up stopping all economy.

That is separate of heating the atmosphere where hell is coming for what has happened. After super heating the atmosphere, the floods will come that will kill 100s of millions, trillions in damage and a 500 million dollar painting bought at auction will be worth nothing.

This makes me so ass kicking mad as it undermines all our ancestors gave their lives for. It undermines all religions. This is what happens when politics, special interests, greed, incredible stupidity, ignorance and the so called high tech idiots of today get together. There may be driverless cars but the biological units are not electrically compatible. This will kill the rain forests, all trees and the resulting fires will be another hell against all life.

It is illegal this very minute and the laws are there right now. Banks will get all there illegal buildings back; buildings won’t be compliant with Building Codes. There will be no money or wealth and can you eat that gold or paper?

The US called what Cuba was thought to have done with a mysterious weapon as an act of war, this video calls it communications.

Here is the science Boeing Engineers are using to show Wi-Fi safe on planes.

Here is a picture of the science used around the world to show these RF EMFs cause no harm.








This is why over 60 municipalities, Regional Districts and Indian Bands called for a moratorium on smart meters.…/

Facebook Post on Integrative Health Forum Page Answering Midge Mathis’s Question on Burns Associated With RF EMFs, Causal Evidence & Not a Debate

Midge before and after burns associated with EMF exposure.

Midge Before Burns






Midge After Burns




I want to thank you for your humility posting in the best interests of so many. Professionals and people across the globe need to see this post because it is applicable to 100% of them. You are not hypersensitive to your electrocution and associated hell that will result from being put in a man-made microwave oven.

It is critically important for health and other applicable professionals to expand on this in their capacity. It is a sad reality that politics with special interests associated with wireless have changed medical diagnosis, healthcare and superseded all laws without going through any regulatory processes.

My job here is substantiating mechanisms, causation and biological plausibility admitted to be missing. What makes this horrific is the fact political and special interests moved forward when the code on limits of exposure admits missing critical science. Go to second paragraph of page 9.

With the purpose of the code to protect the public, cell towers with new and existing antennas will be removed. In Canada as an example, it is a condition of licensing with Industry Canada that new and existing antennas comply with exposure codes. This is highlighted on page 10 of this link. Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association

Declassified military documents admitted “laboratory research is still being pursued to identify mechanisms of interaction. However, other than thermal heating for microwave frequencies, there is no agreed-upon mechanism of action.” Highlighted on page 1 Missing the mechanisms and not understanding them is the reason they speak of thermal heating only. Yakov Schkolnikov of Exponent Inc confirmed in my cross-examination during BCUC hearings on FortisBC smart meters that inducing electrical currents produced heat. Schkolnikov confirmed the high speed oscillations 1.8 billion times per second and 4.9 billion times per second of the RF EMFs of the two antennas in the meter produces heat.

FortisBC’s expert, Yakov Schkolnikov of Exponent Inc confirmed in my cross-examination during BCUC hearings that Health Canada’s Safety Code 6, FCC and IEEE(global) all use the same science standards.

Safety Code 6(2009) Page 7, 2nd paragraph states “The specific biological responses to RF energy are generally related to the rate of energy absorbed. The rate and distribution of RF energy absorption depends strongly on the frequency, intensity and orientation of the incident fields as well as the body size and its constitutive properties (dielectric constant and conductivity).” The fact codes admit energy is absorbed is an admission of harm.

The above quote from Safe Code 6(2009) should have set off alarm bells. It means exposure and impossible calculations would have to be done for ANY change in frequency, power density, size, weight, orientation to the EMF, toxic load, etc. Power Density is watts which is volts X amps and .1 of 1 microwatt altered brainwaves in the Dect Phone Study. There is zero acceptable exposure to wireless electricity. There are real reasons we wire the world.

Just the orientation to the EMF at 60 Hz has killed electricians. One example is single power lines can be very dangerous and that is called extremely low frequencies at 60 Hz. In the Okanagan, a lineman was working on a dead power line running parallel to a live line. The lines were reported to be 70 feet apart(7 stories), the live line electromagnetically induced the dead line killing the lineman immediately. If the dead line was perpendicular to the live line, he would have lived.

When it comes to interaction with the human body, think of the nerves, circulatory, system, organs, brain, bones, etc going in all directions in the body. Imagine nerves running parallel to the EMFs and being severely compromised and other parts of nerves at different angles of orientation impacted differently. It has to equate to a physiological hell.

The bottom line is these RF EMFs are not supposed to hit people and Dr. William Bailey confirmed in my cross-examination that people had to be exposed to be hurt. The Specific Absorption Rate test left out the antennas and EMFs hitting you from head to toe. The test is also an admission that electrical currents are being induced. When currents are induced, that increases cellular voltages and is confirmed using Ohm’s Law where Volts = Current X Resistance. Induce currents, voltages increase. That isn’t for debate.

Dr. Joan Moffat confirmed in Penticton’s Moderated Forum on smart meters that it is a biological fact that a .2 micro volt(millionths of 1 volt) increase changes White Blood Cells, .4 micro volt increase changes mood. Safety Code 6(2009) admits EMFs trigger nerves and muscles, Dr. Peter Goldberg expanded on that by stating the nervous, hormonal and immune systems work intricately together. This qualifies your nervous, hormonal and immune systems are compromised at the same time. Dr. Bailey confirmed in my cross-examination that the nervous, hormonal and immune systems work intricately together.

Delta waves in the brain when sleeping or healing are reported to be .2 Hz which is .2 cycles per second. If the frequencies associated with cell phones or smart meters is 900 MHz, which is 900 million cycles per second. Wi-Fi at 2.45 GHz is 2.45 billion cycles per second. I asked Schkolnikov under oath, “What happens when you mix 2 frequencies?” He replied you get 4 resultant frequencies. You get the sum of the 2, the difference between them and the 2 you started with.

The sum of the 2 frequencies isn’t mathematically adding them up. During our electrical apprenticeship in lab work, we would use an oscilloscope to see the frequency change where it literally isn’t recognized by the device.

The W.H.O. reported cell phones as “possibly” carcinogenic May 31, 2011. If Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper had reported to the W.H.O. that Canadian professionals reported missing causation and biological plausibility in exposure codes, cell phones would be carcinogenic.

Causation is proven as soon as the RF EMF grids are technically incorporated into the SAR test. Biological plausibility is proven the second you incorporate all the bio-electrical information of humans into the SAR test. The SAR test is a plastic head or body part with liquid in it and is flat earth science. It should be an aquarium.

The missing mechanism of interaction is the highly penetrating EMFs hitting something. The mechanisms of action are the EMFs hitting atoms and molecules. Literally all sciences with associated industries have to incorporate the atoms and molecules of their area of expertise.

Here is an example as it pertains to building construction and wireless with special interests superseding Building Code when it isn’t applicable. This is a submission for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission on the RF EMFs causing a nuclear failure within borders. There are 440 Nuclear Power Plants world wide and this isn’t a debate.

Midge, I can never apologize enough to you and others what has happened to you. It never should have happened but this is the reality of a weakened professional gene pool, greed and incredible stupidity getting together. That said they are and will be liable including criminally.

The Integrative Health Forum, GEDI and associates put on the most advanced education in the world for Continuing Medical Education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. It is the highest standard and not about sales or conflicts of interest. We can’t lecture and sell products.

Medical professionals around the world have been blindsided as have the patients looking for help. People hurt by EMFs are referred to as EHS and all that has changed. People across the board need to print or forward the letter at this link. The causal evidence linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects has been lectured for CME credits meaning this is now medical education.

Once your medical professionals hear the language of CME credits, they will pay attention. They can contact the health education administrator for clarification and CME programs should be held across the world. The health education administrator has said they would open the education program for other professionals to participate BUT it isn’t a debate. It is critically important other sciences and those professionals participate.

This is the reason retired RN Donna Bohannon interviews Professor Curtis Bennett and others. This isn’t a debate.

Important Interview By Retired RN Donna Bohannon on Why They Should Cease and Desist Immediately Using Wireless As Applied Including 5G

Listen to Prof. Curtis Bennett explain WHY you should OPT OUT of SMART METERS and WHY you should be alert to other sources of EMF!!

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text
Get Smart Memphis

MONDAY 5 PM (Central) LIBERTY in ACTION (Nov 20, 2017)
Host: Donna Bohannon
(NEW interview!)
GUEST: Prof. Curtis Bennett ( has NEW Information on SMART METER circuit boards, electromagnetic radiation (EMR), switch mode power supply, and more. Jimmy Franklin joins Donna in studio.
LISTEN to AM 1600 radio Mon-Wed-Fri at 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Call in number: 901-327-2500
Tune In APP:
Temporarily Out of Order: USTREAM:
Temporarily Out of Order: SHOUTcast: click “Listen” at
Liberty in Action (Facebook)

Professor Curtis Bennett Interviewed By Whistle Blower Nation on Smart Meters and Wireless EMF Exposure

Our amazing team and associates are among the best professionals in the world. They are all science, environment, sustainability, medicine, codes, standards, advancing medical education, etc and there are no acceptable compromises of science or professional integrity.

Lecturing accredited Continuing Medical Education(CME) programs is the highest standard of education and medical professionals require education credits for ongoing medical licensing.

The reality is that governments allowed industries and special interests to move forward with the mass deployment of wireless infrastructure when exposure codes admitted critical science was missing. The missing causal evidence was found, reported and qualified for lecture for CME credits required for ongoing medical licensing. That medical program was applicable to all health professionals in North America.

Professor Curtis Bennett was asked to do an interview for Whistle Blower Nation when he isn’t a whistle blower.  Politicians, governments, industries across the board were warned specific to liability including criminal.

Here is a picture of the Specific Absorption Rate test Health Canada, IEEE and FCC use for the limits of human exposure. This is the science the FCC is using to supersede municipal authorities, Building Code, Electrical Codes, Fire Codes, global education, medicine, insurers, all codes, all laws including environmental laws when it isn’t applicable. The bottom line is that if you have a plastic head, plastic building, plastic environment, plastic pollinators, plastic ecosystems, then you are safe.

Sam Phantom Model
Specific Absorption Rate Test with Temperature Probe in Liquid.

 Ella is to be thanked for the interview and even bringing forward targeted individuals or those thinking they are targeted.

FortisBC admitted in BCUC Government Hearings on smart meters that they would cover 17,000 sq. kms or 6564 sq miles with highly penetrating RF EMFs. That means several cities and districts will be blanketed with everyone targeted. That is not an agenda, that is what happens when the professional gene pool is weakened. The FCC, IEEE, utilities, PUCs, Health Canada, military, etc all got technically overwhelmed by a plastic head or body part with liquid in it.

Professor Bennett will qualify the mechanisms of interaction and the mechanisms of action, literally every professional has to expand on that in their capacity. Even though medical professionals carry malpractice insurance, they were not consulted or informed that the scope of medical diagnosis has changed. That undermines any health care insurance regardless of what it is called.

Whistle Blower Interview


Post On The Hell 5G Wireless Will Bring To Entire World Meaning ALL Countries

Facebook Post About 5 G wireless from Memphis Tennessee, June 16, 2017

ALERT: 5 G and 5 G Radiation is coming to your block with a Mini Cell Tower. (These “Mini” size towers can be a Big as a Refrigerator & are planned for every 2-10 homes….another large source of Radiation like MLGW Smart Meters )

I tagged a few people here and those people need to share this with others including your Memphis City Council, the utility’s commission, State, Congress, Senators, insurers, lawyers, realtors, academia, universities, education, construction industries, schools, unions, Memphis Building Inspection Department, Police, Fire, Military, IBEW, Attorney Generals, Auditor Generals and literally everyone.

It is important for all reading this post to expand on this in your capacities because these RF EMFs as applied will not discriminate who they kill or create horrific adverse health effects.

THIS IS NOT A DEBATE, there are real reasons we wire the world. EMFs are deadly, they are an invisible electromotive force and these highly penetrating RF EMFs will undermine every government, country, economy, security, health, global food sources, etc. The domino effect will be end of life killing 100s of millions(billions) with trillions in damages.

There is NOT going to be health insurance whether Obamacare, Trumpcare or under any other name. For the “professionals” and criminals allowing this, you will pay with your assets. What pack of collective fools kill their own families, friends, neighbors, communities for a technology that was unleashed without the science supporting safety. They undermined Building Codes, Electrical Codes and all codes and standards using a plastic body part as the science showing there is no harms. Academia and all sciences have changed meaning Degrees are no longer applicable. Medical diagnosis has changed but the plastic head people say it isn’t so.

In provincial government hearings(same as a state) with the experts under oath, I was a Registered Intervener in FortisBC’s application for wireless smart meters. The British Columbia Utilities Commission(BCUC) which is the same as a state Public Utilities Commission held the hearings and FortisBC retained Exponent Inc from the United States to provide their Risk Assessment Report

Electrical Engineer from Exponent Inc, Yakov Schkolnikov confirmed under direct cross-examination by me that Health Canada, FCC and IEEE all used the same exposure codes. That means this comment is applicable globally.

Schkolnikov admitted under cross-examination that the RF EMFs of the 2 antennas in the meter will oscillate 1.8 billion times per second and the Wi-Fi 4.9 billion times per second. That means these EMFs going through your blood, body and bones will cause unrealized hell including breaking bones, compromising the nervous, hormonal and immune systems at the same time. Schkolnikov confirmed under oath that when you mix 2 frequencies, you get 4 resultant frequencies. That confirms changing frequencies in your body, brain and all-encompassing.

“Dr.” William Bailey of Exponent Inc admitted under cross-examination by me that their Risk Assessment Report left out 100% of the bio-electrical information associated with humans. Bailey was asked under cross-examination about pollinators(responsible for food) being affected by the EMFs and he said they adapt which is ridiculous. Bailey also stated that wasn’t in Exponent’s Risk Assessment Report.

Causation and Biological Plausibility or the mechanisms linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects was admitted to be missing in Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 which meant it was missing for the FCC and IEEE as well. When critical science is missing, that science should be qualified before moving forward with blanket Electromagnetic Radiation.

In BC Government transcripts with “experts” under oath, Exponent Inc’s Yakov Schkolnikov confirmed causation and the mechanisms linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects. In the same hearings of the BCUC, Dr. William Bailey substantiated Biological Plausibility with all bio-electrical information left out of their report for FortisBC’s application for wireless smart meters.

Causation and the mechanisms of interaction linking the RF EMFs to adverse health effects is the EMFs that Schkolnikov confirmed. The missing mechanism of action is the RF EMFs hitting atoms, molecules, biology, buildings, infrastructure, ecosystems, pollinators, atmosphere and anything the EMFs hit.

I am a First Response Consultant with a 38 year background of proven performance. I am not a lobbyist, I am one of the Government’s recognized expert specific the utilization of 100% of the electricity produced with those associated emissions. That includes consulting for oil, gas, mines, mills, manufacturing, municipalities, Provincial Governments, Canadian Government, State PUC, medicine, Fire, military, etc. I don’t use a cape, I am a member of teams to get the job done.

The City of Memphis meaning council and mayor better understand the real ramifications of what Mr. Collins has done in his capacity as the President of the utility and as a Professional Engineer. There is no margin of error and if Collins wants to address this, he has to technically disqualify me which will NEVER happen. The idea that Collins got technically overwhelmed by a plastic head with gel or liquid in it is something he can answer but we have no plastic heads in any engineering program I have ever taken. The City of Memphis Building Inspection Department will confirm the code rule on vibration and that the Specific Absorption Rate or the plastic head isn’t in Building Code.

City Council, the mayor, utility and citizens need to understand they will be sued for assets because this isn’t insurable. That is separate of their criminal liability because there are ZERO circumstances where anyone can put babies, pregnant women and all inside a microwave oven made by the utility.

The purpose of exposure codes is specific in that it is to protect the public, that simple. That is why the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications state that new and existing antennas(towers) must comply with Safety Code 6 as a requirement for license. That means the antennas are illegal and there can be dozens of antennas on one tower. Go to Page 10 of this link to see highlighted areas.

Police need to arrest and prosecute these criminals. Just because you don’t technically understand the crime yet, it can be qualified easily. Once again this needs to be taken seriously because police homes will burn with the illegal meter installation, police, family and their brothers and sisters in uniform will suffer adverse health effects including death. Pacemakers will trigger when this could be stopped now.