New Study on What 15 Minutes on Cell Phone Does to Your Brain Doesn’t Include 24/7 Exposure To Smart Grid or WiFi

Think of this new study revealing what 15 minutes on your cell phone does to your brain? Imagine what a 24/7, 365 day a year cell phone call does to your brain and body.

While that might seem ridiculous to some, it is the reality of 24/7 exposure to RF EMFs and has happened because of that ridiculous Specific Absorption Rate Test used for the limits of human exposure. The SAR test model is a plastic head with water in it and cell phone manufacturers have to submit their phones for testing. The plastic head has a bracket on it to hold the cell phone away from your head as per manufacturer specifications. The problem is the SAR test is completed in a RF EMF sterile environment because they are testing the phone only. That means the phone is not communicating with any antennas at all. That is the equivalent of testing a toaster that isn’t plugged in.

When it came to WiFi and smart meters, governments and industry have determined you are ok for 24/7 electromagnetic radiation exposure because children in schools aren’t laying with their head close to a lap top like a cell phone. Smart Meters were really easy as we don’t see families standing with their heads against their meter like a cell phone. WiFi Routers and the blanketing smart grid were not included or incorporated for testing in the SAR. FortisBC’s Director and Professional Engineer Mark Warren states under direct cross examination that a short distance(inches) away from the smart meter makes you safe. He then admits that FortisBC will cover 17,000 sq. kms(6564 sq. miles) with RF EMFs to communicate with meters. FortisBC admits under cross examination that the one 900 MHz antenna in one smart meter reaches 3 kms or 1.8 miles and penetrates the ground over 39 inches. FortisBC Mark Warren states the grid will only be sending information a few times a day but admits the grid is on 24/7.

Utilities, governments and industry use cell phone exposure as a comparison for WiFi or smart meters and say they are not held next to your head like a cell phone. The scientific reality is that smart grids and meters have you on a 24/7 cell phone call. WiFi is a faster frequency with teachers and children getting hours of exposure every day and then at home.

Exposure codes admitted to missing causality and biological plausibility but the strength of the code is the RF EMFs are NOT supposed to hit you or it triggers nerves and muscles. Exposure codes are to be amended with causation and biological plausibility found with peer reviewed science.

Causation means how are people hit by the RF EMFs? The antennas, routers and grid were left out of calculation. As soon as you include them you have causality.

Biological Plausibility is missing because the plastic head with water in it is a test like a cup of water in a microwave. The plastic head doesn’t have health or biology. As soon as you incorporate the bio-electrical information of humans you have biological plausibility linking the RF EMFs to adverse health effects.

Sadly causation and biological plausibility were found and reported to Health Canada 5 years ago today. Prime Minister Harper’s administration didn’t do their jobs and carried forward with man made microwave ovens for populations and ecosystems where ecocide is the reality. Harper ignored Canadian Parliament’s Standing Committee’s Report in 2010 and the fact causation and biological plausibility was lectured in accredited medical education for Continuing Education Credits REQUIRED for ongoing medical licensing January, 2011. The significance for education credits can’t be overstated, lawyers require ongoing education credits or they are suspended from practicing law. Here is the letter from Health Education Administration specific to the accreditation. The Integrative Health Forum (IHF)​ 14,000 licensed health professionals and consultants put on medical education programs applicable to millions of health professionals. It is the only medical program globally showing so called Non Thermal effects giving sight to medical professionals.

Smart Meters are being put in because we really do have energy problems but the meters are not going to save 1 watt of energy. It was reported to Prime Minister Harper, municipal and provincial governments many years ago that that solar EMFs were causing buildings to grossly exceed design temperatures. MASSIVE energy waste, non renewable resource waste are what has happened while building development is generating atmospheric heat close to boiling temperature. Millions of tax paying jobs could be created immediately fixing it but Harper supported blanket radiation of populations with RF EMFs that will also superheat the atmosphere. The UN is genuinely worried about a few degree rise in atmospheric temperature, we have documented 204 degrees C when 212 is boiling. Here is evidence and transcripts of the BC Government showing energy use including solar impact in the infrared spectrum. Buildings across Canada are non compliant with Building Code Rule 1.1.3.(Climatic and Seismic Data) Compliance with codes is expected for mortgages, insurance and occupancy.

Exposure codes are based on a grown man for a few minutes, how much does a bee weigh? Putting pollinators in a man made microwave oven will mean no crops, food or economy. These RF EMFs are not compatible with anything on the planet except portable wireless devices. These RF EMFs are illegal and extremely dangerous as applied and the peer reviewed science is called electricity.

The Auditor General of Canada audits the federal government and Sustainable Development is in the Auditor General Act. RF EMFs as applied are not legally definable as sustainable and Harper has to account for the trillions in damage as well as people dying under his administration. I don’t say that as a lobbyist or with any agenda. We are codes and standards of the provincial and federal government which is the reason they were warned. The Auditor General needs to investigate immediately based on a health, environment and economic emergency of unprecedented proportions. The UN Members are meeting on climate change and the Canadian Government hasn’t shared how development and exposed ground is generating extreme heat.