All posts by JensenWorks Technology

Difficult Diagnosis For Varicose Veins, Inflammation & Circulation

It is hard to believe that medicine has been effectively blind to inflammation and physiology(function), even though it is their objective to deal with it. That has changed with advancements in thermography that is now lectured in medical education for CE credits required for medical licensing.

Infrared technology is represented in such a limited capacity because the imaging application exceeded expertise. It takes more than equipment purchase to achieve imaging success. The level of thermography you will see represented here is lectured at that highest recognized level of accepted medical education. The Energy Medicine Program put on by the IHF and GEDI is that progressive education providing sight to medicine with 100% non invasive imaging applications. Medical Imaging Link

The subject of this discussion was having leg pain and diagnosis hadn’t isolated the problem. We were contacted out of frustration because of suggestions they see a psychiatrist. Look at the imaging below in the infrared spectrum, can you see the source of inflammation now?

20121116-Leg Vein Inflammation


It is horrific to see the effects of the Hurricane and following storm producing more severe weather. New York Governor is asking for 30 billion, New Jersey still without power in areas and more is coming.

Weather is basically cold and warm air with water vapor mixing. We are not supposed to heat the atmosphere or it changes weather globally and once you generate heat, it is going to change weather elsewhere. Heat rises and here is a link to the National Weather Service where you can see winds move across North America.

Building development is designed for very specific temperature and we have to watch out for the same UV that burns skin or buildings will generate extreme heat. The problem is we couldn’t see it.

Here is brand new development on an 85 degree F day, the buildings are up to 198 deg. F and generating heat that changes weather. All states/provinces/countries have to consider this and stop the heat or more severe weather is coming. It will create jobs and has to be fixed, the buildings are illegal as is.

This new development is wasting megawatts(millions) of electricity use every hour reacting to symptoms of solar radiation. Electrical grids have to work harder and there are power outages while the buildings are still superheating the air. A smart grid and smart meters are being deployed to save energy. They are not saving the gigawatts per hour of wasted energy nor addressing the buildings heating the air changing weather.

Whether it is New York, New Jersey or elsewhere we need to protect buildings from solar radiation with different colors or shade. The next picture is going to show you how shade reduced the temperature of a building 30 deg. F in just over 2 minutes. Trees protect from solar radiation yet all trees were removed to make room for the building development.

Here is a link to the Cause of Urban Heat Islands and their massive energy waste. Air conditioning is refrigeration using 1000s of watts per hour of electricity, all of it is a waste. Shade or white washing would remove the electrical load from the challenged electrical grid and stop heating the atmosphere that created Hurricane Sandy.

Much more severe weather is coming, we have to stop the heat and it should be done during original construction. Fixing this would create millions of jobs.

Smart Grid Stimulating Nerves, Killing Biology, Radiating Buildings, Infrastructure & Providing Excuse for Criminal Behavior

The dangers and vulnerability of the smart grid can’t be overstated. The smart grid is being installed based on safety standards that only considered the end use devices and not the accompanying wireless relays, routers, collectors, antennas covering 1000s of square miles. Making it worse is the ultimate goal of having a global smart grid which means global radiation coverage.

There is nothing on the planet electrically compatible with each of the frequencies and the frequency interactions with everything they hit was left out of frequency calculations. The frequencies will kill everything living on the planet, radiate buildings, accelerate corrosion of infrastructure and destroy everything. On a personal note, there is no place to hide, no opt out and 100% of people regardless of wealth, power, self importance, their families, etc will be adversely affected. The frequencies will genetically modify genetically modified food, kill bees, pollinators, all food, migration, kill fish spawning and hell is here for what we are doing.

The science and law has changed with the mechanisms reported linking the frequencies to adverse health effects. You can’t kill people or the planet to make a dollar. Electrical engineers only agreed to the technology because they weren’t told frequencies, electrical information and other critical considerations were not considered in calculations. Here is a link to simple explanations with illustrations including the link to the dangers of the frequencies lectured in medical education required for maintaining medical licensing. There can be no margin of error on whether the frequencies are causing nerve and muscle stimulation and interrupting electrochemical processes. All human physiology is different and RF EMFs or other EMFs cannot be discounted as a contributor to irrational behavior. Currently, no one has even considered these increasing frequencies to explain the enormity of the bizarre violent behavior in North America. Health Canada’s Safety Code 6, the same science standards as the FCC states on Page 9, paragraph 3 and that stimulation of tissue is to be avoided. Experimental studies have shown it can lead to nerve and muscle depolarization. That can be an EMF trigger like your car key opening the door from a distance. It is important for people to understand. RF EMFs need to be understood for what they are. RF EMFs are fast moving  and highly penetrating electromagnetic fields. Frequency is the speed of the EMF. There are no circumstances where the induction of electrical currents into everything the RF EMFs interact with. No sciences, professionals or academia was consulted or informed about blanket electromagnetic induction.

I asked a Professor I lecture with in medical education whether RF EMF(electromagnetic fields going through your body) exposure could contribute to violence?

Here is a quote from Professor Goldberg, a medical professional that lectured the medical education program on the dangers of wireless frequencies:

Neuropeptides are the chemical equivalent of a biological communication system linking the nervous, hormonal and immune systems. When one of these systems is either strengthened or depressed the others will be affected profoundly. The nervous system is like an on off switch in that it runs on that positive / negative relationship of polarization and depolarization you have eloquently referred to numerous times. Once the depolarization process begins it not only impacts the nervous system communication but impacts the delicate hormonal and immune systems functioning as well. There are coherent frequencies and incoherent frequencies. The former has innate “orderliness” while the latter demonstrates a disorderly state.
That’s why we refer to someone as “incoherent” as being in a disordered state of consciousness. When a coherent bio-electric pattern becomes disrupted by frequencies that are nothing short of an electrical storm and assaulting the natural rhythms of the body, one’s mental faculties become severely compromised. Unfortunately we are just seeing the beginning of an epidemic of highly dysfunctional and psychopathic behaviors.

Here is a link to BC Hydro and information claiming the frequencies are safe despite their own illustrations demonstrating they are radiating areas.

Here is a link to testimony for the Texas Senate Committee on smart meter safety.

Can you blame utilities if the smart grid is funded by government stimulus for billions of dollars and good intent? The stimulus should have provided for wiring of the smart grid as it is the missed economy and would employ millions, while keeping the world safe. President Obama has stated health costs will bankrupt the US Government, shocking to see them funding their own bankruptcy through stimulus packages allegedly for building the economy.

This opinion isn’t singular, critical science was missing from the original calculation in regard to the safety of electromagnetic radiation. The smart grid will redefine medicine and science in general and every aspect of life. Wireless environments and vulnerability to these frequencies now has to be considered in medical diagnosis and the smart grid is very, very dangerous to those already suffering from neurological or health challenges.

In regard, to saving energy or taking stress off the electrical grid. Smart meters are not addressing energy waste but are billing you for it. Energy Losses through Heat Loss Link. Separate of the heat loss, massive energy is wasted in the 1000s of watts per hour with each building reacting to symptoms of Urban Heat Islands and you are being billed peak hours.

The United Nations members have committed over $500 billion to stop manmade global warming but the smart grid will negate that and heat the atmosphere with an admitted power density(watts). At a time when more severe weather, droughts, floods, fires are growing larger and more frequent the smart grid contibutes to a serious threat financially, medically and takes a serious toll on survival of all living creatures. There are real reasons we wire the world and we better smarten up before it is really too late.

Smart Meters Monitoring Electricity Use are Dangerous & Not Saving Energy

Smart Meters are being deployed to save energy and read energy consumption from remote locations. The savings are thought to be saving money on meter readers and micro managing energy use through monitoring.

Not only will the wireless frequencies radiate entire areas, they are micro managing massive energy waste, not knocking it off the grid while you get billed for it. Building and their energy use are signed off as compliant with building code because it wasn’t seen. Here is advanced infrared imaging lectured in education showing houses, commercial buildings, schools, etc wasting massive energy and it isn’t addressed through smart metering. More emissions, wasting fossil fuels, electricity when addressing these problems would save the energy.

Smart Meters Not Saving Energy, Decreasing Demand or GHG Emissions

With more people on the planet and more electrical demand with developing countries, electricity has to be generated. Countries, states, provinces and municipalities are rightfully worried about electrical grids meeting demand.

One of the biggest reasons for deploying smart meter technology is to manage the grid and electrical or energy consumption. Regardless of intent, there are several problems with this wireless technology as applied. There are more important ways to realistically save energy and we are going to share advanced infrared imaging that is now lectured in education showing missing data.

1. Buildings use energy for heating and cooling. Although buildings are designed and insulated for their regional temperature extremes, they are signed off as compliant with building codes because energy consumption wasn’t seen or isolated. Here is an infrared image showing a house with heat loss. The problem should have been caught during initial inspection. Smart Meters will inform you of the consumption and bill you for it or you can shut the heating off in the winter to avoid the cost instead of addressing the problem. Here is a link to other Heat Loss Images including government stimulus funding missing the heat loss.

Wi-Fi Routers, Smart Meters, Cell Phone, Antennas & Cell Tower EMF Safety Missing Critical Data


Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 governs human exposure to cell phones, Wi-Fi and smart meter frequencies. Safety Code 6, Page 9, paragraph 3 & 4 states “the predominant health effect to be avoided is the unintentional stimulation of tissue as is the heat effect“. Intentional stimulation of tissue is an X-ray or medical imaging in a controlled environment, an intended position of use with other parts of your body protected from frequency exposure with protective clothing.

Safety Code 6 uses the same science standards as the FCC and other international bodies. Even though science standards are based on decades of scientific literature, Safety Code 6 admits mechanisms are missing linking these frequencies to adverse health effects. Those mechanisms have been found and reported to Health Canada as well as by expert witness at the request of Canadian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Health, explanation as follows.


When it comes to safety of wireless devices like cell phones, Wi-Fi and Smart Meters the Specific Absorption Rate(SAR) was adopted by Health Canada’s Safety Code 6, FCC and all international bodies. Here is a link to the test used in the Specific Absorption Rate(SAR). followed by a picture of the extremely limited test model used for exposure to wireless frequencies.


Liquid simulating tissue is poured in the opening at the top of the head and the white arrow is the temperature probe placed in the model to measure any temperature increases with phone use. The highest power density is measured at the base of the antenna, the red arrow shows where they measure to a localized area of the skull thought to be radiated. In order for the frequencies to hurt people, they have to hit them in other areas than a small localized area of the skull. Look at the picture of the model used and what do you see missing in the frequencies hitting people? The test model considered the phone as the end use device and left out the cell towers that complete the wireless circuit or the fact the tower frequencies would hit people from head to toe. If you look at Safety Code 6 or science standards, people were treated as heating tissue and biological electrical properties, billions of frequencies as well as vulnerability were left out of the equation. Add the missed mechanisms and it qualifies adverse health effects as well as reporting on biological effects.


When it comes to Wi-Fi safety, the wireless computer isn’t held against the head like a cell phone so Health Canada’s Data determined that everyone including classrooms of children, teachers, babies, pregnant women, pacemaker recipients can be exposed continuously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Dr. Tony Muc used the stove element analogy for Wi-Fi safety in Simcoe County Schools by saying, think of the computer as an element on the stove and distance keeps the children from being burned. Here is a picture of unknown origin showing Wi-Fi in schools, what do you see missing in the Wi-Fi radiation analogy?


They left out the Wi-Fi Routers covering the entire room so computers or IPads can go online and the vulnerable children as well as teachers are in the circuit except unprotected from the EMF radiation. We generate electricity by moving conductors through an electromagnetic field. In this case the routers are providing the EMF and the children’s many biological considerations are the conductors. The problem is human biology already have their own electricity and frequencies. That was left out of the equation in the SAR test and it crashes the human electrical grid like our 60 Hz electrical grid would crash with foreign frequencies mixing. Go to the bottom of this page and see expert witnesses declaration taken under threat of perjury for a Wi-Fi Case in US Courts. The mechanisms reported by Curtis Bennett as a science professional qualify the biological reporting of adverse health effects by the other experts. Wi-Fi frequencies are illegal as applied, violate Safety Code 6 by stimulating and heating tissue. The present reporting using non thermal and thermal effects is ridiculous science limited by the SAR model testing seen above. Wi-Fi Health Risk Advisory


Smart Meters are not held against the head and distance from the meter is thought to keep RF energy absorption to a minimum. Health Canada has determined RF energy from Smart Meters doesn’t pose a health risk. Here is a picture of electrical meters, one is analogue and the other is a wireless smart meter. Distance from the wireless meter is thought to make you safe, can you see what was left out of the equation on wireless danger?


Wireless smart meters are the end use device, in order for them to work they have to connect with relays, smart meter routers, collectors, antennas, towers or the rest of the wireless network. The wireless access network wasn’t considered in the safety sheet by the utilities. The Texas Public Utilities Commission reports in their safety sheet a short distance from the meter limits exposure, Oncor utility in Texas reported smart meter routers cover an average of 5 sq. miles, the collectors 125 sq. miles so 10 feet from the meter isn’t reducing exposure. Everything in the 125 sq. miles is exposed to the frequencies. Everything living, buildings and infrastructure will be radiated by high speed frequencies. For everything living it creates a biological killing field with the frequency incompatibility.

BC Hydro reports in their fact sheet short distances from the meter limit exposure and the meter base reflects the frequencies away from the residence. They left out their relays, routers and towers, here is their grid diagram.


The diagram qualifies everything is in the circuit and violates Safety Code 6. Here is BC Hydro’s Fact Sheet and the highlighted area of Page 2 states exposure is governed by Safety Code 6 plus the specifications are the same as the FCC.


BC Utilities Commission states in highlighted area of Page 19 compliance with Safety Code 6 is required..


Provinces must comply with Safety Code 6, governments must comply with Safety Code 6. The Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association Act states in the highlighted area of Page 10 Industry Canada has made compliance with Safety Code 6 mandatory and a condition of license for tower antennas.


The dangers of the frequencies is now lectured in medical education for continuing education credits medical professionals require for licensing and no longer opinion. It is accepted medical education recognized and approved in North America. Here is press from the AmericanAcademy of Environmental Medicine on smart meter adverse health effects.


The area covered by wireless networks like routers, collectors cover big areas with each network. Oncor in Texas states the average area covered by their smart meter routers is 5 sq. miles and collector average coverage is 125 sq. miles. Everything in the coverage area doesn’t run at those frequencies and everything biological will be killed. That includes pollinators responsible for our food sources, bees, bugs, birds, trees, shrubs, crops, etc. The domino effect of trees dying will expose the ground to solar radiation and generate heat close to boiling temperature which will kill fish spawning. Here is a video of smart meter frequencies killing shrubs. When the foliage or ground cover dies, the exposed ground or buildings will be radiated by solar EMFs and generate extreme heat buildings aren’t designed for. Fish are temperature sensitive and will die as a result including the ecosystem associated with spawning. Here is a time-lapsed infrared video showing how exposed areas change temperature in minutes as well as shade effect stopping the heat.


Here is a document submitted to the Lieutenant Governor of Texas and Senate Committee on the dangers of smart meters.


Smart meter relays, routers, cell tower antennas and the wireless access network covering large areas are radiating buildings, industry, infrastructure, etc. High speed frequencies going through walls cause vibrations of structural components and fire separations billions of times per second. That causes buildings to violate building code, here is an Open Letter to Municipalities. Industry and volatile areas are at risk with static charges developed over large areas waiting to discharge causing explosions or fires.


Buildings use energy for heating and cooling, they are designed to be energy efficient but signed off as compliant with building codes because it couldn’t be seen. Observe in the infrared spectrum how buildings are wasting fossil fuels, energy waste, electrical waste, more GHG emissions and smart meters are not addressing or recognizing the waste. Here is a link to Heat Loss Imaging in the Infrared Spectrum.

Los Angeles alone spends a reported 100 million dollars a year in energy costs responding to urban heat islands, almost 100% of it is wasted energy production reacting to symptoms. Urban Heat Islands are thought to be warmer urban areas because we couldn’t see the heat. The same solar radiation that burns skin is burning buildings and causing them to generate extreme heat they aren’t designed or insulated for. Air conditioning is in fact refrigeration and requires 1000s of watts/per hour per building of wasted electrical generation. That wastes non renewable resources, produces more GHG emissions, acid rain and superheats the atmosphere changing weather. The huge demand on power grids is one of the main reasons for smart meter implementation, unfortunately the meters aren’t catching it or addressing the waste. Alternative energy systems installed aren’t addressing the waste or the heat generated. Here is building development approaching boiling temperature.

Here is a link to infrared imaging showing buildings close to boiling temperature, heat transferring inside the building and air conditioning(refrigeration) laying on the floor while the interior is still heated. That creates an indoor weather system, compromises fire integrity, mold and the video shows an inflamed lung from indoor air quality. Think of the thermal load required to heat framing members.

Here is a link to two time-lapsed infrared videos showing natural EMFs from the sun interacting with buildings at sunrise and the second video shows how people are cooked in their buildings from the exterior being radiated. This demand creates the power outages and billions of dollars in energy waste.


There is a big economy missed and 100s of millions of jobs available globally. This isn’t insurable and health costs, economy losses will bankrupt governments while we kill the planet that sustains all life.


Health Insurance Fraud costs billions each year that affects insurance costs for companies, insurers, lives and those with real injuries looking for help. Times have changed and technology has advanced to assist with this expensive problem.

With injury or infection there is an inflammation that can now be seen with non invasive technology. That means insurance fraud can also be seen and people denied insurance claims with real injuries can get help.

Thermografix leads the world by employing infrared imaging applications that are approved and recognized by Boards of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, etc. Lecturing medical education for continuing education credits required for licensing is the highest standard and required for the integrity of the imaging, representation as well as presentation. Cost savings could be immediate or if required the patient could be imaged in the courtroom in front of both medical/legal teams as well as the judge.

Workers Compensation is challenged with insurance fraud and those genuinely hurt. These imaging applications bring the invisible to light by showing reduced inflammation with effective treatment. The image supplied here is a general representation, there is much more information available to the health practitioner or legal team.

Training medical professionals to see their objectives with non invasive imaging is our objective in doing no harm while saving money and meeting health objectives. Go to our Medical Page for more information, examples of difficult diagnosis including the early detection of breast cancer. Contact us so we can assist in your objectives.

20120925-Injuries or Insurance Fraud


Chrohn’s Disease, Colitis or Inflammatory Bowel Disease are reported to cause a wide variety of symptoms. In order to assist medicine in their objectives, it is important for medical professionals to see and isolate inflammations.

It has taken many years to take thermography to the highest standard by lecturing medical education for education credits, doctors, nurses and other health professionals required for licensing. Boards of Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing have approved/recognized our lectures which consist of environment to medical education.

It is a tremendous honor to be lecture in the Energy Medicine Program put on by the Integrative Health Forum & Global Education Development Institute. As Adjunct Faculty for these two education groups we also get an amazing continuing education while attending every minute of the program as a student of the lecturers including the late Professor Anthony Bove. Professor Bove was a true pioneer of Energy Medicine whose work affected the lives of millions worldwide and continues to help people today.

Isolating and seeing inflammation means progression of disease can be seen as well as effective treatment. That is our objective in assisting medicine and training medical professionals in utilizing infrared at this level. Here is a picture showing abdominal inflammation associated with Chrohns and Colitis. See more imaging of difficult diagnosis at our Medical Page Link. Contact us to discuss training or imaging.

20120921-Chrohns Disease & Colitis