Smart Grid Killing Our Trees!

Planet Earth has a magnetic field that sustains all life on the planet. Migratory birds, pollinators responsible for food sources and even Salmon use the Earth’s magnetic field for navigation. Our survival as a species depends on the magnetic field.

There is a big difference between a magnetic field and an electromagnetic field(EMF) Where magnetism is natural, use of man made EMFs has to be considered very carefully. There are real reasons we wire the world and confine EMFs to an insulated conductor or there will be consequences. Here is an Electrical Frequency Problem in Lumber Mill that was created because of an electrical installation missing a small piece of mica board. It could have resulted in serious electrical failure, explosions, fires, lost economy as well as injury or death.

There is controversy over the wireless grid used for cell phone, Wi-Fi and the deployment of smart meters or smart devices. There is an illusion that wireless is cheaper with big savings but it isn’t a reality. Here is a picture of the Specific Absorption Rate used to determine limits of human exposure. We fly to Mars yet here is the science of safety on wireless exposure. It is a mannequin head with a temperature probe in the top to see if the liquid simulating tissue heats up.

Here is a utility picture of a wireless smart grid for smart meters and this part of the wireless grid was left out of safety levels. Human or biology electricity was also left out of the equation.

The grid above was deemed safe even though codes admit they missed the link to adverse health effects. Humans and other biology weren’t considered electrical. Everything in existence and all life is made from what you see on the Periodic Table or combinations of. Everything on the table is electrical with neutrons, protons and electrons. High speed man made EMFs affect everything they interact with and the reason caution is used in wireless use. Look at the grid above where the plan is to blanket the planet with wireless frequencies for ease of communication. The problem is nothing in the 1000s of square miles of coverage areas run at those frequencies and they will adversely affect everything in the coverage areas.

Here is the reporting of Andrew Goldsworthy titled “Why our Urban Trees are Dying” I want to follow this with work we do. Trees, plants and green space cover the surface of the planet for temperature regulation as well. Here is a time-lapsed infrared video showing you how solar EMFs and the same UV that burns skin will affect exposed ground and development. There is a second time-lapsed infrared showing the heat generated on the exterior transferring through a 6 inch wall. How deep into exposed ground is the heat transferring and what grows or lives in that heat?

We love our wireless devices but we are not electrically compatible. If your life doesn’t concern you, your investments being affected will. We better wake up before it is too late.