Category Archives: Pacemaker

British Columbia Utilities Commission on Reversing FortisBC & BC Hydro’s Illegal Wireless Smart Meter Program is Applicable to Public Utility Commissions Globally

B.C. Utilities Commission
900 Howe Street
Sixth Floor
Vancouver, B.C.
V6Z 2N3

Att: British Columbia Utilities Commission

I have copied this to the Commission Secretary as well as Complaints and would ask the BCUC to pass this on to applicable departments as well as governments at the required level.

I was a Registered Intervener in the FortisBC Application for wireless smart meters and while I cross examined FortisBC “experts” for 3.5 hours, FortisBC chose not to cross examine me. Although the BCUC Panel is reported to have reviewed my qualifications, in their summary they were dismissive of my credentials even though none of the panel or experts were technically qualified in an opinion. Legislative Reporter Tom Fletcher wrote:

Curtis Bennett’s qualifications have been reviewed by the BC Utilities Commission, when he presented his weird theories about “molecular earthquakes” triggered by wireless power meters in 2013.

The BCUC panel wrote: “While Mr. Bennett has an electrician’s knowledge of electrical systems, it is clear that he is unqualified to give expert opinion evidence on the health effects of RF, exposure standards for RF, engineering, physics or geological phenomena such as earthquakes.”

Had the BCUC or FortisBC cross examined me, they would have found out my “electrician’s knowledge of electrical systems” are in reality the Governments across Canada and Industry Canada’s trained and certified professional. I carry Government ID provided by the Province of BC and Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal) provided by the Government of Canada. That means I am one of the experts specific to the electrical energy produced by utilities. Topping that off, my personal electrical background includes oilfield, energy, lumber mills, mines, etc and later consulting for billion dollar industries as well as their insurers at the same time.

The BCUC can see by a link provided that includes a letter to FortisBC, BC Hydro and others that FortisBC dismissed my Building Engineering Credential from NAIT. My fellow graduates for that program work and consult for the biggest construction companies in the world as as municipalities as Building or Fire Inspectors, estimators, etc.

The BCUC dismissed my Thermal Radiation background of 35 years consulting for industries across the board. The Government of Canada has used our work as their standard in RFP for Aerial Imaging of Groundwater. That background includes consulting for FortisBC and many utilities isolating electrical/refractory/mechanical failures before they happen. Billion dollar industry has scheduled shutdowns based on our reporting and I led those teams.

Being cleared by Canada’s Defence Minister on a vulnerability after 9/11 required more than an electrician’s knowledge.

Gordon Fulton and FortisBC lawyers require ongoing education credits or they are suspended from practicing law. The BCUC, FortisBC lawyers and Mr. Fulton dismissed or ignored the reality I am a Professor lecturing medical education for Continuing Medical Education Credits required for ongoing medical licensing. I lectured causation linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects meaning it isn’t an opinion, it is now accepted medical education. That credential is applicable to health professionals across the U.S., Canada and expanding. Being a Professor in advancements in medical education applicable to all took many years and millions of our own dollars. Damage to humans from wireless interaction can be seen and qualified now. Unfortunately FortisBC lawyers spent more time trying to represent my title as Chief Science Officer as a self imposed title.

What FortisBC and the BCUC referred to as a weird theory on molecular earthquakes is the electrical reality of electromagnetically inducing buildings, infrastructure and ecosystems. What FortisBC and the BCUC referred to as a phenomena was confirmed in BCUC transcripts by my direct cross examination of Exponent Inc’s Electrical Engineer Yakov Shkolnikov. Mark Warren was so far over his head calling what I said as a theory when the peer reviewed science of electromagnetic induction is how utilities generate electricity.

In calling for a reversal of the FortisBC and BC Hydro smart meter program as well as a Forensic Audit, it is specific to the FortisBC application as well as BC Hydro bypassing all regulatory process in their application for wireless. The BC Legislative Assembly allowing that bypass of all regulation has created real problems with a trillion dollar liability separate of the criminal liability.

In my opening statement for the BCUC, I looked forward to cross examination because I was there in my professional capacity warning of the liability including smart meters not saving 1 watt of energy.

The document to FortisBC is 9 pages and includes transcripts and evidence of the BCUC with FortisBC “experts” admitting critical science was missing from their risk assessment report for FortisBC.

The unfortunate result of the FortisBC application being rubber stamped and BC Hydro bypassing all regulation is the BCUC Panel has allowed utilities to bypass all regulation including BC Building Code using a plastic head with water in it. The Specific Absorption Rate test model has zero applicability to BC Building Code and all municipalities as well as Regional Districts have been undermined. New and existing buildings will be non compliant with BC Building Code meaning no mortgage, insurance or occupancy. The RF EMFs even interacting with BC Hydro’s Dams will cause accelerated corrosion and non compliance with BC Building Code Rule where Shkolnikov confirmed the 900 MHz RF EMFs will oscillate or expand and contract inside walls, Fire Separations or bodies 1.8 billion times per second and Wi-Fi 4.9 billion times per second.

In closing the smart grid has to be shut down and there is no margin of error. It will undermine climate change objectives set out by PM Trudeau and 195 UN Members. The grid and high speed oscillations will heat the atmosphere changing weather and that peer reviewed science is electricity. As Mark Warren confirmed under cross examination, no one was informed or consulted nor did he think it was a good idea. Provincial medical professionals were not informed that the scope of diagnosis had changed. Education will have to shut down because all sciences have changed with the blanket electromagnetic induction.

The damage is measurable by the second including to your own buildings and families. where Dr. Bailey of Exponent Inc admitted under cross examination that nervous, hormonal and immune systems will be compromised at the same time. I will guarantee that this won’t be popular but being administratively dismissive will result in liability as well as criminal charges. There are no circumstances where the BCUC or utilities can put babies, children and others inside man made microwave ovens.

While I look forward to a response, this isn’t a debate and the reason I was a Registered Intervener at the hearings in Kelowna representing the best interests of all. Here is the link that includes the letter to FortisBC and others. This should help Public Utility Commissions around the world understand how people are hit and hurt based on the plastic head science. It is disgraceful for taxpayers to fund their own electrocution based on a plastic head.


Professor Curtis Bennett

Chief Science Officer
Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education for CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 35 Years
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Construction Engineering Technologist




Letter to FortisBC CEO, Mark Warren, BC Hydro, etc on Smart Meter Program Being Stopped and Reversed.

Our jobs as consulting professionals using codes/standards is to get the job done as trained and qualified professionals. We look to our authorities to report something or to address a code ruling, we don’t have personal opinions. 100% of our work is science.

Policy is based on science not politics and there are never circumstances where we are lobbied to compromise our work or we would be liable as well as lose our credentials. When it came to RF EMF exposure, it was alarming to see the depth of special interests taking precedence over the tax paying public relying on our governments to do their job. The unfortunate result has been taxpayers funding their own subtle electrocution, adverse health effects, ecocide and unrealized damage to buildings as well as infrastructure.

In 2010 when asked to look at WiFi in schools, we didn’t technically know what was being done in schools. The second we heard of a router covering a classroom to communicate with laptops, it was immediately said you can’t do that. You are putting the children teachers, support staff as well as buildings inside an electrical circult or man made microwave oven. Looking at Health Canada’s Safety Code 6(2009) was alarming as it admitted to inducing currents(electrocution). Page 9 of Safety Code 6 admitted causation and biological plausibility was missing linking the RF EMFs to adverse health effects. Safety Code 6(2009) stated they would amend the code when they received peer reviewed science showing adverse health effects.

The strength of exposure codes is that these RF EMFs are not supposed to hit people. That is why cause was missing because of the science industry was using for the limits of human exposure. Lots of people including me have put a cup of water in a microwave or heated up a drink. The science the wireless industry and governments were using are based on a cup of water in a microwave except the test model is shaped like a head instead of a cup.

The bottom line is the plastic head is placed in a RF EMF sterile environment to test cell phones that cell phone manufacturers have to submit  for testing. Here is a picture of the test model and remember that the phone isn’t communicating with any antennas or network. See the bracket that holds the phone away from the head as per manufacturer specifications? The higher power density was measured at the base of the antenna on the phone and it was thought a small localized area in the skull was heated.

Sam Phantom Model Specific Absorption Rate Test with Temperature Probe in Liquid.
Sam Phantom Model
Specific Absorption Rate Test with Temperature Probe in Liquid.

When it came to WiFi exposure the same industry didn’t need to do tests. Children and people weren’t laying on the floor with their heads on the laptops so they had much more distance than cell phone users.

When it came to smart meters, that was really easy because you could drive through neighborhoods and never see the family outdoors with their heads against the meter.


In order for people to be hurt by RF EMFs, they have to be exposed as confirmed by Dr. William Bailey of Exponent Inc. The Specific Absorption Rate Test left out the antennas, WiFi Router and the Smart Grid required to communicate with smart meters. As soon as you add the antennas, routers and grid, you have cause missing in exposure codes. Directly below is BC Hydro’s diagram of their smart grid for smart meters. The diagram shows what the Specific Absorption Rate Test left out and it is BC Hydro showing how people are hit and hurt. This is why they were warned specific to liability which will include criminal charges. BC Hydro needs to stop their smart meter program immediately and arrange through electrical workers to re-inspect and maintain 1.9 million meter bases. Then they have to replace the wireless meter with approved meters without RF EMF capabilities. There is zero margin of error and those that do not do their job will be liable including criminally for their assault with this deadly weapon as applied.

20120907-BC Hydro Smart Meter Grid

See the smart grid to the left? These RF EMFs are not a laser beam, it is blanket electromagnetic radiation that undermines their gas utility.



Can you see why Biological Plausibility was missing in Safety Code 6? The plastic head doesn’t have any biology. Directly below are accurate infrared images of cell phone use after 1 hour, can you see if there are any differences and is a small area of the skull only affected?

20110223-cell phone radiation after 1 hour

The above is what industry refers to as non thermal effects because it was thought non thermal couldn’t be seen. Here is some other very very basic infrared imaging using non invasive radiology and it includes wireless radiation injuries to the arms of a cell phone sales person. It is important for readers to know these are basic but the most advanced infrared applications without exception. These images and much more are shown in the most advanced medical education in the world recognized for Continuing Medical Education Credits required for ongoing medical licensing. The Integrative Health Forum is 14,000 licensed health and consulting professionals putting on medical education applicable to millions of health professionals. They are the only education program in the world giving accurate sight of energy at the atomic and molecular level. Simply put, it provides sight of temperature where otherwise medicine and other professionals are blind.

This letter is a document that needs to be shared with every city, region, state, province and country. It is specific to wireless being illegal as applied and extremely dangerous that has catastrophic global consequences that will undermine every country. Governments allowed utilities as an example to bypass all regulatory process to mass install smart meters. The fact governments allowed this blanket radiation based on a plastic head undermined all sciences, economy, police, fire, insurers, investors, education, security, municipalities, codes  and will not save 1 watt of energy. Wireless as deployed undermined the United Nation’s Members across the world on their climate change agenda and the “smart grids” will generate atmospheric heat creating climate change.

What is really important for people dealing with this urgency and passing this on is to understand there is no such thing as EHS or sensitivity to EMFs. The correct electrical language is electrocution and there is no margin of error. There is no one exempt from the real harm and damage regardless of who you, what industry you work in or the money you have. Imagine undermining police, fire and veterans as well as those serving as well as killing our children in schools while we grade them on their intelligence. Letter for FortisBC CEO, Mark Warren, BC Hydro, etc on Smart Meter Program

There were questions on towers and antennas which will be illegal as well. A condition of license for new and existing antennas is to comply with expose codes and in Canada that is Safety Code 6. There is ZERO acceptable power density as .1 of 1 microwatt has altered brain waves. This is the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Act and turn to page 10 to see the highlighted area. cwta compliance with Safety Code 6 duplicated

See, share and print the letter.  RF EMFs as applied are a frequency and biological weapon as applied.


Letter for FortisBC CEO, Mark Warren, BC Hydro, etc on Smart Meter Program





Claremore Fire Department’s Press on Concerns About Smart Meter Fires Unwarranted is Inaccurate

I have great respect for the work of Fire Departments and have been part of teams consulting at operation levels. In 1990/91 we were retained by city management to substantiate and implement their Fire Department’s infrared program. That allowed sight through smoke where otherwise they were blind. Giving sight through smoke allows fire fighters the ability to see people, pets, source of fire, direction of the fire as well as how hot it is burning which is important for investigation. After the fire, hot spots can be found to avoid a rekindle saving on resources. Fires, heat and problems behind walls can be seen using non invasive radiology.

Our background related to electrical inspections related to what is happening in meter bases started in 1979. Isolating electrical problems and connections so they could be fixed before failure, fires or explosion saved industries across the board, governments and insurers 100s of billions of dollars as well as lives. Loose and corroded electrical connections are 90% of the problems because they are the weakest point in an electrical circuit. That is why electrical inspections and required maintenance can be done yearly. The significance to the meter bases and fires is that the connections in meter bases have NEVER been inspected or maintained since the meter was put on the building.

We are a land of laws, codes and standards but in the case of smart meters being mass deployed, governments, industries, engineers, electricians, insurers, academia, medical professionals, municipalities, Fire Departments, Police Departments, etc were not informed or consulted in any capacity. Claremore Fire Department wasn’t consulted or informed of dangerous meter swaps or associated connection problems that can cause fires.

Our job includes always reporting to and through authorities having jurisdiction. In the case of smart meters we were not getting a qualified response from the authorities. It was during FortisBC’s application for wireless smart meters that we found out that the BC Legislature had allowed BC Hydro to bypass all regulatory process to mass install smart meters and the required smart grid to communicate with the meters.

There is a defined point where the utility’s distribution of electricity ends and the utilization by electricians begins. While utilities own the meter, the meter base belongs to the building owner. The utility has no authority or jurisdiction to touch the home owner’s meter base.

Electricians do NOT mass install meters, literally every meter base requires inspection and maintenance. Utilities didn’t use electricians for smart meter installations, they used people not qualified to touch electrical systems. There are no circumstances where electricians would swap meters under electrical load. Electricity in the building would be shut off and the utility would disconnect their service so electricians could begin their work for the home owner. Pulling meters under varying electrical load will create arcs and surges that further compromise connections as well as electrical systems, electronics or other devices inside the building.

Oklahoma has the same problem as above and the Fire Departments not informed or consulted. The Fire Chief in Claremore, Oklahoma specifically mentions in this linked Press Release that an electrical connection was the source of the fire. Here is a link for you showing our response to a City Council on FortisBC as the utility representing the safety of smart meters. It contains transcripts and evidence of the BC Government with experts under oath where they admit they consulted no one. Page 9, 10 and 11 contain pictures of a meter base, the connections as well as thermal images of connection problems. Page 12 shows in the infrared spectrum how extremely low EMFs of 60 Hz can create catastrophic electrical problems. Page 13 shows how the interaction of RF EMFs interacting with buildings and fire separations is causing Canadian buildings to be non compliant with Building Code Rule The United States and Oklahoma will have a different code rule. Buildings are designed for their loading which includes vibrations.

The City of Claremore and the Fire Department need to be aware that a human exposure code has been used to bypass the municipal authority including Building Codes when it isn’t applicable. The link above provides a picture of the Specific Absorption Rate Test used to substantiate safety and bypassing Building Code. It is a plastic head with water in it and is baseless science.

These meters have been mass installed on the homes of everyone including First Responders. Police have not been informed that highly penetrating EMFs are assaulting people across their property lines.

If the neighbor tased you across the fence, police would respond and the utility is effectively tasing people across their property line except the proper electrical terminology is subtle electrocution.

As an electrical and energy professional with national government certification, I appreciate the intent of the meters but they will not save 1 watt of energy. If Claremore had meters mass installed, there are fires and electrical failure waiting to happen separate of causing accelerated corrosion of buildings, fire separations and infrastructure.

Submission For Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission on RF EMFs Causing Accelerated Corrosion Making the Power Plants Non Compliant With Building Codes

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission On Granting Ontario Power Generation 13 Year License For Darlington Nuclear Power Plant

My submission – Public Hearing Ref. 2015-H-04.

Dear Commissioners:

It is with all the required professional humility that I write and insist that the CNSC reject Ontario Power Generation’s application to operate the Darlington nuclear station. That extends to any consideration to rebuild or extend the lives of the Darlington reactors. The science and information shared with the commission also need to be incorporated into other existing nuclear power facilities.

While I am not applying for a job, it is important I summarize my credentials specific to energy provision. I am one of the Canadian Government’s certified energy professionals and not a lobbyist or associated with special interests of any kind. 100% of our work is specific to your mandate.

To clarify my recognized expertise, the Governments across Canada with Industry Canada trained and certified ONE profession for the utilization of electrical energy across the country. There is a defined physical point where utility’s electrical generation and distribution ends and utilization starts. It doesn’t matter what industry you work in, which hospital, university, Microsoft, manufacturing, auto industry, oilfields, utilities including power generation, development, etc, qualified electricians design, construct, install, troubleshoot and maintain those electrical systems. When there is a power failure, electricians are the qualified professionals, Electrical Engineers are not qualified to do this work. It is electricians that do the work related to those engineered standards. We are governed by Canadian Electrical Code and calculate energy requirements with that code. There are no circumstances where we have personal opinions and get creative electrically. The Canadian Electrical Code is published by the Canadian Standards Association(CSA). CSA is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada, a crown corporation which promotes efficient and effective standardization in Canada. This accreditation verifies that CSA is competent to carry out standards development and certification functions, and is based on internationally recognized criteria and procedures.

As well as an Interprovincial Red Seal Journeyman Electrician I have another credential as a Building Construction Engineering Technologist from NAIT which is all aspects of construction from contracts to completion. That education has a common background with all engineering disciplines before choosing a field to specialize in. Buildings use and lose energy as it relates to building performance.

As a Thermal Radiation Consultant of 35 years for industries across the board, our consulting saved 100s of billions of dollars providing a visual of energy(temperature) to isolate problems before explosions or failure. The problems are verified and fixed by the industry’s professionals. Temperature for us starts at -273 deg. C and there are no such things as Non Thermal effects, it is all thermal. Energy use, losses and temperature can be seen. Syncrude, Suncor, Esso, Dow Chemical, manufacturing, utilities, power plants, mines, mills, etc as well as their insurers. Petro Canada retained us to monitor one refractory lined vessel for a year so they could maximize production before shutting the vessel down for required maintenance.

100% of what we do on the planet has a domino effect into health, our bodies and ecosystems. As an Adjunct Professor, I am faculty for a group of 14,000 licensed health professionals putting on accredited medical education programs applicable to millions of health professionals for Continuing Medical Education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. It is applicable across Canada as well as the United States and expanding.

With injury or infection there is an inflammatory response 100% of the time that can be seen. Lack of sight and insurance fraud costs billions. Our work with Professor and MD Ronald Lynch’s work, education providing sight of the early detection or breast cancers, difficult diagnosis using non invasive radiology will save billions of dollars in health costs. His work on accelerated wound healing, increasing nerve conduction, regrowing nerve related to Diabetic Neuropathy, the VA, etc will save billions more on health costs as well as toes, feet, legs and life, This isn’t competing with medical objectives, it is completing them. The young girl with breast cancer was 4 years old and she isn’t of mammogram age for decades.

In 1991 the City of Edmonton retained us to consult at Operation Levels to qualify, substantiate and initiate the implementation of their Infrared Program. It gives them unobstructed sight through smoke where otherwise they were blind. It saves lives, resources, prohibits rekindles and is invaluable in Fire Investigation. In 2003 as another example, Kelowna, BC had a Category 6 Forest Fire interface with the city. Jurisdictional challenges and fighting the fires blind prohibited participation in giving Fire Command sight through the smoke as well as tracking the direction of the fire giving lead time. August 21, 2003 the valley was smoked in and stopping a patrolling RCMP showing them the fire through the smoke initiated the evacuation of 15,000. On August 22, 2003 our team imaged Kelowna homes burning through the smoke. Here is the reporting of local media with the time stamped images and radio dispatches confirming Forestry and KFD were blind through the smoke.

You would never know with the deregulation of building construction that buildings, their energy use and associated emissions are designed for specific temperatures. Those temperatures are provided to building code by Environment Canada’s Meteorological Services. Compliance with building code is a requirement to get financed, insured and occupying. If a building isn’t code compliant remedies have to be taken to make it compliant. Lenders, insurers and home owners want their investment protected. The limitations of building code is that buildings have been signed off as compliant with everyone accepting responsibility but it is never verified.

The reason Environment Canada contributes to building code is because of all the different regions and their seasonal climate extremes. The arctic is different than a warmer climate. The code rule across Canada unless amended is 1.1.3.(Climatic & Seismic Data). In Kelowna the minimum design temperature is -20 deg. C to simulate the coldest time of the year and 33 deg. C to simulate the warmest time of the year. The building is designed and insulated for these temperature extremes. The HVAC systems and energy use or losses are designed with Climatic Data. The Appendix of Building Code warns of the significance of solar radiation(EMF), the same sun that burns our skin. Solar interaction with absorbent exterior finishes causes the building to generate heat exceeding code. That causes problems with the building as well as heats the atmosphere.

We imaged buildings in 7 provinces and 26 states specific to solar interaction with development. It was alarming to verify Urban Heat Islands were urban heat generators first. Important for the reader is our job is to report to and through governments first. Here is a letter with accurate infrared imaging showing solar EMF interaction. Previous attempts before this dated letter failed to get a response from applicable governments. You will see buildings grossly exceeding Building Code and 38 deg. C warmer than temperature reported by the weather station at 8:18 A.M. You will see Kettle Valley buildings in the afternoon 86 deg. C on a 23 deg. C day. Millions of buildings across Canada are grossly exceeding Building Code 1.1.3. and not code compliant.

These problems can be addressed creating millions of tax paying jobs globally. It would knock trillions of watts of wasted electrical energy off the grids immediately, saving the non renewable resources as well. Unfortunately due to the energy and emergency associated with climate change, governments have allowed utilities and industries to bypass regulatory process to install wireless smart meters. Despite warnings from government and industry certified professionals about mass deployment of wireless smart meters, governments allowed mass deployment responding to symptoms which will not save 1 watt of energy.

As a Registered Intervener in the FortisBC application for wireless smart meters, FortisBC used the government’s lack of response to me to dismiss the dangers and liabilities with wireless smart meters. Here is evidence of the BC Government in legal proceedings supporting suspension of FortisBC’s smart meter application. The BC Government and Prime Minister Harper need to qualify how a human exposure code was used to bypass building codes and all applicable sciences associated with the blanket radiation of ecosystems.

FortisBC in their ignorance and arrogance didn’t substantiate the safety of smart meters, they dismissed everyone and applicable codes while admitting blanket radiation of 17,000 sq. kms. Here is a response to FortisBC’s negligent reporting on the safety of smart meters. This is evidence and transcripts of the BC Government with experts under oath admitting critically important science was missing in their Risk Assessment. It contains real meter base connection problems associated with the millions of meters installed across Canada and globally by people not qualified to touch electrical. Ontario as an example has 4.8 million compromised buildings that require re-inspection because of the real danger. Further to that buildings in the RF EMF coverage areas are not compliant with Building Code Rule That pulls millions of buildings off the real estate market and the loss of tax revenues as well as associated economy. Governments and Industries are speaking of Nuclear Power Plants but that can no longer be a consideration and isn’t needed. Building engineering has changed and the power plant would have to be an MRI Chamber to stop the accelerated corrosion of the power plant.

The Auditor General of Ontario has reported no savings with smart meters and the Auditor General of Australia has reported their 2 billion dollar expenditure on smart meters saved no energy.

If Mr. Harper had reported to Australia they were reacting to the symptoms of solar EMF exposure wasting massive energy, Australia could fix it, create lots of jobs, knock the waste off the grid and exceed emission reduction targets immediately.

Not only do I look forward to answering questions, it is critically important the commission hold me accountable. This can not be dismissed and has to be technically disqualified which won’t happen. There is no margin of error.

The damage to nuclear facilities is measurable by the second and the RF EMFs are expanding and collapsing inside buildings billions of times per second 86,400 times a day.

Curtis Bennett
Chief Science Officer
Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician(Red Seal)
Building Engineering Technologist
Adjunct Professor for Accredited Medical Education For CME Credits
Thermal Radiation Consultant for 35 Years

Texas CPS Energy Admits Overcharging Customers With Smart Meters

I was on the Texas PUC’s Expert Panel and provided written evidence for the Texas Senate Committee at their request. It was specific to the dangers of the installations of the meters under load by unqualified people, the arcing, surges, loose and corroded connections continuing to arc and surge.

Texas electricity uses 60 Hz EMFs for the insulated known copper or aluminum conductors, RF EMFs are an uninsulated wireless circuit with everything hit by the RF EMFs as part of the conductor. People in Canada have complained about their bills and part of it might be because of the dirty circuit with buildings, infrastructure, people, ecosystems, trees, etc are poor conductors. A resistance in the circuit shows up as a load(watts).

The Specific Absorption Rate Test used for limits of human exposure is a plastic head with water in it, The test didn’t include the required routers, collectors and grid. The RF EMFs hitting you triggers nerves and induces currents into you that is measured as a power density(watts).

The saddest part of this is the analog meter was about consumption. If you left a 100 watt light bulb on for 10 hours it equals a kilowatt which is what you pay for. The fact CPS engineers can’t substantiate the billing speaks for itself. The meters are garbage and will not save a watt of energy. Here is a response to FortisBC in Canada supporting the suspension of their smart meter program. It is evidence and transcripts of the BC Government with FortisBC experts under oath. As a Registered Intervener opposing the smart meters, FortisBC lawyers used Texas’s smart meter program as a confirmation of success.

Here is our response to FortisBC’s continual denial of their smart meters being safe and it includes cross examining their experts where they admit they will radiate 17,000 sq. kms or 6564 sq. miles. It shows the meter base connections which are the weakest point on the electrical circuit as well as how the RF EMFs are damaging your buildings while inducing currents into you that cause cancers and more.

One last link for Texans is the Auditor General needs to see the reporting of other Auditor Generals. Australia’s Auditor General reports 2 billion dollars spent and no energy savings.

Building Code warn of solar radiation(EMFs) causing buildings to exceed design temperature. The BC Government under Christy Clark speaks of global warming or climate change contributing to the extra 100s of millions of dollars fighting forest fires. California has droughts costing billions already and forest fires are out of control while they are fought blind. Weather severity across the world and the Pope speaking to the US and UN about climate change. The UN Members have committed over half a trillion dollars to address climate change but the whole world is blind to temperature. Here is an accurate non invasive thermal radiation image of building development using the most advanced imaging applications in the world. This is lectured in accredited education.

Keep it simple, in order for there to be man made atmospheric warming, there needs to be a source of heat. The image was taken on an 85 deg. F day. Is there something warmer than 85 deg F? Some of the development is over 100 deg. F warmer than that and 212 deg. F is boiling temperature. Weather is the basic interaction of cold and warm air with water vapor. Heat the one atmosphere the world shares and it changes weather globally. We imaged buildings in 7 provinces and 26 states where this was happening in 100% of them including California. This development is in British Columbia where Premier Christy Clark lives. FortisBC is the energy provider and they have mass installed smart meters to stop what you see. The meters will not address one watt of energy or the heat and the reality is FortisBC is wasting 1 million watts per hour as well as associated natural resources responding to symptoms. 100% of this can be addressed, fixed and remove the million watts per hour off the grid immediately. These buildings are not compliant with Building Code Rule 1.1.3.(climatic & Seismic Data) They need to be brought back into compliance or they can NOT be bought or sold. These home owners of the 500 or 600,000 dollar buildings were not informed by the City of Kelowna, BC Government or Canadian Government.

20120816-Kettle Valley in July

Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett’s Interview with Stay on The Truth on Burden of Proof Linking RF EMFs to Adverse Health Effects, Ecocide, Accelerated Corrosion on September 14, 2015 at 8PM EST

Stay on the Truth Interview on 2015 09 14

Stay on the Truth is interviewing Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett on September 14, 2015. The interview again substantiates the Causal Burden of Proof linking Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields to adverse health effects, Ecocide including accelerated corrosion of buildings and infrastructure that was reported 5 years earlier. This Burden of Proof is applicable to every country because the same science standards are used globally. It is critically important for those reading this or listening to the interview that under no circumstances do you interpret the RF EMF interaction unless you are a qualified electrical professional. Health Canada’s exposure code quote “The rate and distribution of RF energy absorption depends strongly on the frequency, intensity and orientation of the incident fields as well as the body size and its constitutive properties (dielectric constant and conductivity).” Page 7 second paragraph of Safety Code 6(2009)

The same way we use 60/50 Hz EMFs for electrical circuits, RF EMFs are wireless electrical circuit used for communication. Electrical circuits are known insulated conductors, wireless circuits are uninsulated and EVERYTHING hit by the RF EMFs becomes part of the conductor. That is the reason great care and consideration is required before using wireless EMFs.

When meeting with an International Masters in Civil Engineering to qualify the RF EMFs interaction with biology, buildings, fire separations or infrastructure required substantiating the electrical interaction of the RF EMFs penetrating buildings. When it comes to biology, ecosystems, pollinators, forests, watersheds, fish, atmosphere, etc, it is an electrical mechanism first. Then the applicable science professional is incorporated.


In 2010 media was reporting parents and children of Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada were concerned that WiFi in classrooms was harming their children. Lecturing magnetism as well as the dangers of EMFs in accredited medical education required an investigation because the parents were being dismissed as well as ridiculed. As soon as it was found out RF EMFs were being used to cover a classroom so children could use their laptops, we said “you can’t do that, you are putting the children, teachers and buildings inside an electrical circuit.

In order for people to take code compliance seriously we will use it as it applies to your home, building or investments. Banks, mortgage companies, lenders, insurers and Building Inspection require compliance with applicable codes. When inspecting buildings or consulting on buildings, compliance with applicable codes is required or there will be no sale or occupancy. Building Codes, Electrical Codes, etc do not contain statements that buildings are falling down or people are getting electrocuted but carry on until we find peer reviewed science so we can amend the code.

During the investigation of WiFi in schools, the first job was to find applicable codes related to exposure. Contacting Health Canada regarding the Limits of Human Exposure to these RF EMFs referred us to Safety Code 6(2009).

The primary purpose of the code is to protect the public. The strength of the code is that the RF EMFs are NOT supposed to hit you. Experimental studies show it can lead to nerve and muscle depolarization. As Adjunct Professor Dr. Peter Goldberg explained to me, nerves and muscles naturally polarize and depolarize BUT not with an EMF trigger. Dr. Goldberg further clarified that it isn’t just affecting nerves and muscles. The nervous, hormonal and immune systems work together. When you read the first 9 pages of this exposure code the language is alarming and extremely dangerous. The code admits they are inducing currents(amps). Wireless Communication requires electromagnetic radiation which electromagnetically induces currents. The last thing any electrical professional wants to hear is currents are being induced, that is how people can be electrocuted.

When you hear about Power Density and watts? Watts = Volts X Amps.
Page 9 of Safety Code 6 admits causality and biological plausibility is missing. The code also says the code will be amended once peer reviewed science is received substantiating adverse health effects.
It requires investigation as to how this was ever allowed to happen because typically we would find the missing cause first before proceeding with these dangerous RF EMF as applied.

The Specific Absorption Rate test for the limits of human exposure demonstrates how causality and biological plausibility were missing for decades. The name of the test itself is an admission the RF EMFs are being absorbed and an admission of harm.

Causation was reported to Health Canada on September 14, 2010 by government certified professionals.

Following that is was provided by expert witness at the request of Canadian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Health at their request October 28, 2010. The Report of the government came out in December of 2010 and the NDP stated in their Supplimentary Report on page 32 that Health Canada should investigate specific to Curtis Bennett’s credentials. Making it real important is causation was lectured in accredited medical education for education credits required for ongoing medical licensing at the University of Central Florida January, 2011. That means it is no longer opinion but accepted medical education applicable across Canada and the United States

Prior to September 14, 2010 the wireless industry could state it wasn’t know that harm was caused, after September 14, there is going to be liability. As government and industry certified professionals, their job is to report to and through authorities for code rulings or to cover their butt. September 14, 2010 causation was reported to municipal, provincial and federal governments. Their job is to challenge it but pass it along including to other countries and that didn’t happen. The W.H.O. as an example reported May 31, 2011 that cell phones were possibly carcinogenic. If the Canadian Government had reported the causal link had been found and reported by Canadian Government Professionals, the W.H.O. would have reported cell phones as carcinogenic.

Prime Minister Harper as the Chief Administrator for the Canadian Government didn’t do his job and will have to account for allowing an extra 5 years of electromagnetic radiation of populations. Politically he didn’t share it with other political parties or the UN Members looking for this critically important information.

Health Canada did revise Safety Code 6 and retained the Royal Society of Canada. Unfortunately while the code was being revised Industry Canada was selling the 700 MHz RF EMF range. The Ontario Government announced 150 million for WiFi in Kindergartens, Ottawa allowed WiFi in public parks and across Canada mass installation of wireless smart meters was allowed. That is shameful, reckless and negligent causing unrealized trillions in real damage.

The Royal Society of Canada will not only have to account for their reckless endangerment of populations, they have to account for the SAR test technically overwhelming the intellectually elite. Here is a picture of a model used for the SAR test for limits of human exposure.

Sam Phantom Model Specific Absorption Rate Test with Temperature Probe in Liquid.
Sam Phantom Model
Specific Absorption Rate Test with Temperature Probe in Liquid.

The Auditor General of Canada audits the Canadian Government and Sustainable Development is under the Auditor General’s Act.

Here is Sustainable Development from the link above. It substantiates blanket Electromagnetic Radiation of ecosystems and populations is illegal.

Marginal note:Purpose

21.1 In addition to carrying out the functions referred to in subsection 23(3), the purpose of the Commissioner is to provide sustainable development monitoring and reporting on the progress of category I departments towards sustainable development, which is a continually evolving concept based on the integration of social, economic and environmental concerns, and which may be achieved by, among other things,
(a) the integration of the environment and the economy;
(b) protecting the health of Canadians;
(c) protecting ecosystems;
(d) meeting international obligations;
(e) promoting equity;
(f) an integrated approach to planning and making decisions that takes into account the environmental and natural resource costs of different economic options and the economic costs of different environmental and natural resource options;
(g) preventing pollution; and
(h) respect for nature and the needs of future generations.
1995, c. 43, s. 5; 2008, c. 33, s. 16; 2010, c. 16, s. 5.

It doesn’t matter who you are or the industry you are involved with, join the call from Stay on the Truth. There are no such things as dumb questions and all will be answered.

Here is the interview and it is long but good education trying to summarize years of work and investigation. RF EMFs are illegal as applied.

New Study on What 15 Minutes on Cell Phone Does to Your Brain Doesn’t Include 24/7 Exposure To Smart Grid or WiFi

Think of this new study revealing what 15 minutes on your cell phone does to your brain? Imagine what a 24/7, 365 day a year cell phone call does to your brain and body.

While that might seem ridiculous to some, it is the reality of 24/7 exposure to RF EMFs and has happened because of that ridiculous Specific Absorption Rate Test used for the limits of human exposure. The SAR test model is a plastic head with water in it and cell phone manufacturers have to submit their phones for testing. The plastic head has a bracket on it to hold the cell phone away from your head as per manufacturer specifications. The problem is the SAR test is completed in a RF EMF sterile environment because they are testing the phone only. That means the phone is not communicating with any antennas at all. That is the equivalent of testing a toaster that isn’t plugged in.

When it came to WiFi and smart meters, governments and industry have determined you are ok for 24/7 electromagnetic radiation exposure because children in schools aren’t laying with their head close to a lap top like a cell phone. Smart Meters were really easy as we don’t see families standing with their heads against their meter like a cell phone. WiFi Routers and the blanketing smart grid were not included or incorporated for testing in the SAR. FortisBC’s Director and Professional Engineer Mark Warren states under direct cross examination that a short distance(inches) away from the smart meter makes you safe. He then admits that FortisBC will cover 17,000 sq. kms(6564 sq. miles) with RF EMFs to communicate with meters. FortisBC admits under cross examination that the one 900 MHz antenna in one smart meter reaches 3 kms or 1.8 miles and penetrates the ground over 39 inches. FortisBC Mark Warren states the grid will only be sending information a few times a day but admits the grid is on 24/7.

Utilities, governments and industry use cell phone exposure as a comparison for WiFi or smart meters and say they are not held next to your head like a cell phone. The scientific reality is that smart grids and meters have you on a 24/7 cell phone call. WiFi is a faster frequency with teachers and children getting hours of exposure every day and then at home.

Exposure codes admitted to missing causality and biological plausibility but the strength of the code is the RF EMFs are NOT supposed to hit you or it triggers nerves and muscles. Exposure codes are to be amended with causation and biological plausibility found with peer reviewed science.

Causation means how are people hit by the RF EMFs? The antennas, routers and grid were left out of calculation. As soon as you include them you have causality.

Biological Plausibility is missing because the plastic head with water in it is a test like a cup of water in a microwave. The plastic head doesn’t have health or biology. As soon as you incorporate the bio-electrical information of humans you have biological plausibility linking the RF EMFs to adverse health effects.

Sadly causation and biological plausibility were found and reported to Health Canada 5 years ago today. Prime Minister Harper’s administration didn’t do their jobs and carried forward with man made microwave ovens for populations and ecosystems where ecocide is the reality. Harper ignored Canadian Parliament’s Standing Committee’s Report in 2010 and the fact causation and biological plausibility was lectured in accredited medical education for Continuing Education Credits REQUIRED for ongoing medical licensing January, 2011. The significance for education credits can’t be overstated, lawyers require ongoing education credits or they are suspended from practicing law. Here is the letter from Health Education Administration specific to the accreditation. The Integrative Health Forum (IHF)​ 14,000 licensed health professionals and consultants put on medical education programs applicable to millions of health professionals. It is the only medical program globally showing so called Non Thermal effects giving sight to medical professionals.

Smart Meters are being put in because we really do have energy problems but the meters are not going to save 1 watt of energy. It was reported to Prime Minister Harper, municipal and provincial governments many years ago that that solar EMFs were causing buildings to grossly exceed design temperatures. MASSIVE energy waste, non renewable resource waste are what has happened while building development is generating atmospheric heat close to boiling temperature. Millions of tax paying jobs could be created immediately fixing it but Harper supported blanket radiation of populations with RF EMFs that will also superheat the atmosphere. The UN is genuinely worried about a few degree rise in atmospheric temperature, we have documented 204 degrees C when 212 is boiling. Here is evidence and transcripts of the BC Government showing energy use including solar impact in the infrared spectrum. Buildings across Canada are non compliant with Building Code Rule 1.1.3.(Climatic and Seismic Data) Compliance with codes is expected for mortgages, insurance and occupancy.

Exposure codes are based on a grown man for a few minutes, how much does a bee weigh? Putting pollinators in a man made microwave oven will mean no crops, food or economy. These RF EMFs are not compatible with anything on the planet except portable wireless devices. These RF EMFs are illegal and extremely dangerous as applied and the peer reviewed science is called electricity.

The Auditor General of Canada audits the federal government and Sustainable Development is in the Auditor General Act. RF EMFs as applied are not legally definable as sustainable and Harper has to account for the trillions in damage as well as people dying under his administration. I don’t say that as a lobbyist or with any agenda. We are codes and standards of the provincial and federal government which is the reason they were warned. The Auditor General needs to investigate immediately based on a health, environment and economic emergency of unprecedented proportions. The UN Members are meeting on climate change and the Canadian Government hasn’t shared how development and exposed ground is generating extreme heat.

Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett Interviewed By Interoccupy Group and EMF Harm International

It is critically important people listen to the interview that is applicable to everyone without exception. There is no other agenda than to represent the science used and science missed plus the complexity of blanket Electromagnetic Radiation. EMFs are an electrical interaction first before they hit something. As Government Certified Electrical Professional we use 60 Hz EMFs for generation and utilization of electricity. RF EMFs are EMFs used for Radio Frequency Communication but it is still an electrical circuit except it isn’t insulated and everything hit by the RF EMFs is being used for the conductor. Here is the outline of the Radio Program.

Agenda- 8/20/ 15 – Guest Curtis Bennett will talk about how
the EMFs are incredibly dangerous as applied, including raging forest fires, and an assault on everything on the planet.

Curtis says, This is ramping up and we are dealing with the legality of the EMFs. Frank Clegg the former President of Microsoft Canada said the Burden of Proof linking the frequencies to adverse health effects would cost millions.

We already spent the millions and 10,000 hours to substantiate the Burden of Proof. That has been lectured for CME credits and is now medical education recognized in every state and every province now.
We will be talking about the fires raging in Calif, and will see how we are substantiating causation linking the RF EMFs to adverse health effects. Curtis will be sharing information and letters sent as Auditors and Attorney Generals jump in.

Curtis says industry and government told no one what they are doing.
Texas groups are working with Curtis about how smart meters as one wireless technology is illegal as applied.

100% of what we are doing is in the best interests of all or we will kill the economy and degrees will no longer be applicable(even for Architects). Here is the recorded radio interview link.

↓ Click the left end of the player bar below to play the stream.

Adjunct Professor Curtis Bennett on Dangers of FortisBC’s Smart Meters Affecting Pacemakers, Building Code Compliance, Adverse Health Effects, Economy, Etc Speaks for Kelowna Safe Meter’s

Kelowna Safe Meters is a Non Profit Citizen’s Group concerned about the mass deployment of wireless smart meters when citizens have not been duly informed.

Professor Curtis Bennett was asked to present and answer any questions from the audience. Bennett is an Interprovincial Journeyman Electrician, Building Construction Engineering Technologist, Thermal Radiation Consultant since 1979 and an Adjunct Professor lecturing Continuing Medical Education Programs where health professionals get education credits required for ongoing medical licensing. Non Thermal issues can be seen with non invasive radiology.

Safety Code 6 is Health Canada’s Exposure Code for RF EMF and Limits of Human Exposure. It is the only code admitting causality and biological plausibility was missing linking RF EMFs to adverse health effects.

Bennett was the Canadian Government’s Electrical Professional reporting causation to Health Canada September, 2010 and at the request of Canadian Parliament October, 2010.

Bennett lectured causation for accredited medical education January, 2011 meaning it is no longer opinion but approved and accepted medical education now.

Bennett was on Texas PUC’s Expert Panel on Smart Meters in 2012, provided evidence for Texas Senate Committee, Declarations for Oregon and Michigan Courts under threat of Perjury.

Bennett was a Registered Intervener in the FortisBC application for wireless smart meters and cross examined FortisBC experts in front of the BC Utilities Commission. Bennett technically disqualified FortisBC experts under direct cross examination. Radio Interviews with Bennett admitting science doesn’t pick sides, I am there in the best interests of all parties including utilities. Bennett warned FortisBC and the BCUC about the liability and was administratively dismissed, not technically disqualified. Here are links to letters including transcripts of the BC Government which is a legal precedent. FortisBC experts admitted critical science was missing in their Risk Assessment Report and Electrical Engineer for Exponent Inc Yakov Shkolnikov stated under oath it would be his duty as an electrical engineer to revise his reporting but that didn’t happen. Shkolnikov stating Exponent Inc carried his Errors and Omission’s Insurance puts the company on the hook for significant damage that will be in the trillions.

Listen to the presentation and see the plastic head used by FortisBC and others to substantiate safety. FortisBC as one example is using a human exposure code to bypass Building Codes when it isn’t even applicable. Buildings across Canada will be non compliant with Building Code making smart meters illegal across Canada today.

Bennett is electrically substantiating medical reporting of harm. This is applicable in the US as well as around the world. The Specific Absorption Rate is baseless science but an admission of guilt and the smart meters will not save 1 watt of the energy they are supposed to address.

FortisBC & Canadian Wireless Smart Meter Programs Not Compliant with Building Codes

We are a land of laws and no one is exempt from the law. Science is science and policy is based on science, not the other way around. Here is an example as it pertains to home owners, business, economy, banks, lenders, mortgage, real estate, insurers, taxes and required inspections for Building Code Compliance. Lenders, Insurers, Municipalities, Fire Services, Real Estate Sales and the buyer want their home safe, healthy and investment protected.

Buildings and development are an engineered process. In Canada as an example, Government of Canada, Environment Canada, Meteorological Services provides Regional Climatic Data to National Building Code.

Regional Climatic Data are the yearly weather extremes. Not only do we design, build, insulate, fire separations to accommodate temperature extremes, the electric/gas heating systems(GHG Emissions) are designed for regional climate extremes provided through code.

If and when buildings are not compliant with Building Code, there will be no occupancy because of the real danger. No Occupancy means NO OCCUPANCY. There is danger and the building isn’t going back on the real estate market right away.

The brief education above demonstrates the importance of building codes and compliance. It is the law that building and consulting professionals have to comply with. We are Building Inspectors and Consult on building’s energy use for a wide scope of engineers or industry. All of the consulting and reporting isolating insulation missing, or air leaks is tied to a code rule. We don’t have personal opinions.

What has happened with wireless smart meters in Kelowna and beyond is disgraceful. The FortisBC application to electromagnetically radiate everything and everyone in Kelowna as well as FortisBC coverage area confirmed the problem. BC Legislature “entrusted” BC Hydro and BC Hydro was allowed to bypass all regulatory process. The BC Government allowing BC Hydro to install smart meters has allowed a highly penetrating EMF to cross property lines and assault home owners with a deadly weapon. That is separate of the Building Code Violations and undermining municipalities.

1. Ask the police and City Council. If you and your family are going to be assaulted on your property, do you have the right to defend your family? If you are threatened or assaulted with a deadly weapon, can you respond with lethal force?

2. If someone reached across their fence and tased grandma and all the people at a picnic, how would police respond?

3. People complaining about meters with RF electromagnetic fields blasting through them and their property need to be protected by police. These RF EMFs are going to be placed on their own homes affectively tasing their own families.

4. Manufacturers of Pacemakers have not signed off on FortisBC electromagnetically inducing medical devices.

5. In Kelowna, the City of Kelowna(Municipal Government is the Authority Having Jurisdiction) They have no choice but to qualify or disqualify the violation of BC Building Code Professional Engineers will not sign off on the electromagnetic induction of structures, fire separations, infrastructure. Engineers are insured for errors or omissions. Disqualifying the violation in code requires a ruling and a liability.

6. FortisBC Mark Warren admitted under cross examination by Curtis Bennett that FortisBC will blanket 17,000 sq. kms or 6564 sq. miles. That will destroy buildings, infrastructure, people and economy with Ecocide being the reality.

7. Contact your municipality, insurer, elected officials, provincial auditor, policing authority to explain the EMF assault on their own members as well as their families.

8. FortisBC’s mail out on swapping meters under load is alarming and recklessly endangering home owners as well as equipment damage from power surges. The owner’s meter base has never been maintained since the meter was originally put on the building. The electrical components are fragile and require permits, proper inspections with qualified electricians. Fires aren’t immediate.

Municipalities, police and First Responders need to understand FortisBC, BC Hydro and other utilities using wireless as they are. They aren’t just changing meters, these meters have 2 antennas. While RF EMFs are called wireless communication, it is electromagnetic radiation to human biology. People are not sensitive, they are being subtly electrocuted. FortisBC is using a plastic head with water in it to determine your child or a developing fetus can take 24/7 dosage of electromagnetic radiation. The RF EMFs crossing you property line and going through a pregnant mom will electromagnetically induce the fetus billions of times per measurable second, 3600 times per hour, 86,000 times per 24 hours and 2,592,000 times per month. Higher power density means higher induced currents and stronger electrocution.

This link is a City of Kelowna on FortisBC Smart Meters for FortisBC smart meter installation in the City of Kelowna and specific to BC Building Code You can NOT induce currents and vibrate atoms and molecules.

The code rule above is the same across Canada. Every home, building, museum, powerplant, etc. This is not a debate, there isn’t a qualified engineer or electrical professional that would disagree.

Remind your city of the incredible injustice. The government and utility have allowed the blanket coverage of the city without applicable science. Smart Meter programs across Canada have to Cease and Desist, the real damage is in the trillions and that is separate of the criminal liability.

States and countries will have a different code rule. Buildings are engineered for their vibration or use.